Casey Lee Schneible
Chiropractor | Sports Physician
<h4>Dr. Casey Schneible is a Chiropractor practicing in CHARLOTTE, NC. Dr. Schneible specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Utilizing numerous cutting edge approaches and techniques, Dr. Casey can treat his patients swiftly and with SPECIFICITY. Unlike traditional healthcare which focuses on the specific area of pain, he focuses on identifying the root cause of an injury by looking at the body as a whole, rather than just on the injury site. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, back pain, extremity pain among many others. Dr. Casey Schneible seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine and extremites but also teach you how to stay out of pain with exercise and nurtiton.</h4>
9 years
Casey Lee Schneible
- New York Chiropractic College
- Accepting new patients
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Wrist Injury
Morning, I would recommend you see a Chiropractor and better yet and Chiropractor that is more SPORTS oriented. Usually those Chiros have “sport” in their practices name, for READ MORE
I would recommend you see a Chiropractor and better yet and Chiropractor that is more SPORTS oriented. Usually those Chiros have “sport” in their practices name, for example “Spine and Sport Clinc”, stuff like that. You can always call any Chiro and ask.
Even better would have a sport’s Chiropractor get a quick X-ray if the wrists (both) and make sure nothing funny is going on. Most likely nothing is broken and the chiropractor can help your wrists, arm and everything around it to really get it better. As of now I would not recommend a medical doctor because they won’t do anything a very very high percent of the time and say what your mom is trying to say like nothing is going on. They also will only give you meds which don’t fix anything. You need to have someone figure out what’s causing the issue and actually fix it with Manuel Type care, things like mobilizations, adjustments, soft tissue work (massage), stuff like that. You don’t want this to crutch you the rest of your life. I hope this helps and steers you in the right direction. Remember you are also a minor so you still have to follow your parents guidance but I hope this helps bring light a different perspective that could help you feel better. I am only offering my quick ideas of what I do in practice all day every day. I hope you can share with your family and make a more informed decision.
Dr. Casey Schneible
Chiropratic Physician
“The greatest compliment a doctor can receive is a referral to your friends, family or loved ones”
Movement Spine and Sport, PLLC
I would recommend you see a Chiropractor and better yet and Chiropractor that is more SPORTS oriented. Usually those Chiros have “sport” in their practices name, for example “Spine and Sport Clinc”, stuff like that. You can always call any Chiro and ask.
Even better would have a sport’s Chiropractor get a quick X-ray if the wrists (both) and make sure nothing funny is going on. Most likely nothing is broken and the chiropractor can help your wrists, arm and everything around it to really get it better. As of now I would not recommend a medical doctor because they won’t do anything a very very high percent of the time and say what your mom is trying to say like nothing is going on. They also will only give you meds which don’t fix anything. You need to have someone figure out what’s causing the issue and actually fix it with Manuel Type care, things like mobilizations, adjustments, soft tissue work (massage), stuff like that. You don’t want this to crutch you the rest of your life. I hope this helps and steers you in the right direction. Remember you are also a minor so you still have to follow your parents guidance but I hope this helps bring light a different perspective that could help you feel better. I am only offering my quick ideas of what I do in practice all day every day. I hope you can share with your family and make a more informed decision.
Dr. Casey Schneible
Chiropratic Physician
“The greatest compliment a doctor can receive is a referral to your friends, family or loved ones”
Movement Spine and Sport, PLLC