Dr. Elizabeth Hechenbleikner
<p>Dr. Elizabeth Hechenbleikner is a General/Bariatric surgeon practicing in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Hechenbleikner specializes in minimally invasive abdominal surgery including foregut, weight loss operations, small bowel resection, large bowel resection, gallbladder, hernias, solid organ, peritoneal dialysis catheters, and bowel obstructions as well as skin and soft tissue problems. General surgeons are able to deal with many acute surgical and/or critical care emergencies. Dr. Hechenbleikner provides quality surgical services, professionalism, and compassionate care for simple and complex abdominal and surgical disease processes and is able to respond quickly due to knowledge of various surgical procedures.</p>
24 years
Dr. Elizabeth M. Hechenbleikner
- Atlanta, GA
- Wake Forest University
- Accepting new patients
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Bulge in abdomen before urination?
This sounds like a possible abdominal wall hernia. I recommend seeing your primary care provider to get a physical exam and determine whether you need further imaging.
How long do you stay in the hospital after hiatal hernia surgery?
You typically stay in the hospital for 24 hours for hiatal hernia repair to ensure you are drinking ok with good pain and nausea control.
How many hours does gallbladder surgery take?
It depends on how difficult the case is which can vary with how inflamed or diseased the gallbladder is. If the case is straightforward and easy it can take under 30 minutes but READ MORE
It depends on how difficult the case is which can vary with how inflamed or diseased the gallbladder is. If the case is straightforward and easy it can take under 30 minutes but if it is very difficult it can take a few hours. I hope this helps.