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Dr. Janet Rose Opila-Lehman

Naturopathic Physician

Dr. Janet Opila-Lehman is a naturopathic doctor and occupational therapist practicing in Asheville, NC. Dr. Opila-Lehman specializes in proactive prevention and treatment. Dr. Opila-Lehman combines holistic healing methods with traditional solutions to health care. Dr. Janet is passionate about helping individuals on the autism spectrum and their family members. The most common ailments she treats are gastrointestinal issues, thyroid and adrenal health, food sensitivities and allergies, environmental issues including mold, heavy metal and EMF exposure. Her treatments focus on dietary changes, lifestyle recommendations, botanical remedies, homeopathy, supplements, and fitness activities.
41 years Experience
Dr. Janet Rose Opila-Lehman
  • Asheville, NC
  • Boston University
  • Accepting new patients

Are your GUT and IMMUNE System team players?

By Dr. Janet Opila-Lehman, NDWith the continued presence of the coronavirus infection, information keeps coming out on the importance of supporting your immune system. What does...