Diamond Approach to optimize Brain Health

Dr. Calsey "Cal" Fasching is a lifespan clinical neuropsychologist practicing in Woodbury and North Oaks, Minnesota. Dr. Fasching offers neuropsychological evaluations across the age spectrum, from the pediatric (ages 6+) to the geriatric population. She provides neuropsychological assessment services to patients with concerns... more
In working with patients, I teach them my "diamond approach” of which will optimize their brain health. The 4 corners of the diamond approach are science based approaches backed by years of research with thousands of patients. Additionally, I have utilized the diamond approach everyday for the last few years, and have seen improvements in my own brain health. These 4 pivotal corners, of which are described below, can improve your brain health, and ultimately, likely even improve your physical health.Nutrition
The first corner of the diamond approach is nutrition. Nutrition is important for brain functioning, which ultimately impacts both cognitive and emotional functioning. The brain is heavily influenced by the nutrients we consume. Food is a great tool to build better brain health, and allow individuals to experience improvement in brain health. In a nutshell, evidence shows a diet high in plant-based food such as avocado, broccoli, and kale and low in processed food, saturated fat, and salt can improve brain health. Furthermore, eating food with anti-inflammatory properties such as fatty fish, leafy greens, and an array of berries, can help improve brain health.ExerciseJust like exercise is good for our cardiovascular health, exercise is also good for our brain health. Both resistance or strength training and cardio exercise offer a wealth of benefits to include optimizing your brain health. Positive SupportPositive support comes from spending time with family, friends, coworkers, people within your community, and practicing religion. Positive support can take many forms inclusive of emotional, informative, and appraisal, and has been shown to offer an array of benefits for your brain and physical health.SleepSleep is essential for optimal brain health, especially restorative sleep. Sleep is imperative for optimal learning and memory and emotion regulation. Through sleep our brains organize information or memories we have learned that day. While we sleep, especially during deep sleep, our brain consolidates our memories from the day. A lack of sleep can impact our attention, reaction time, problem solving, and decision making the following day. Sleep allows the brain to rest, reorganize, and strengthen our neural connections which ultimately aids in recalling learned information the previous day. Furthermore, during the sleep cycle, our brain goes through repair and removes toxins that have accumulated throughout the day. Dr. Calsey Fasching
Clinical Neuropsychologist
500 Village Center Drive, Suite 300 North Oaks, MN 55127
992 Inwood Ave, North
Oakdale, MN 55128