Dr. Michael J. Zakalik
Dr. Michael Zakalik is a clinical psychologist practicing in OAK PARK, EVANSTON, and CHICAGO IL. Dr. Zakalik specializes in the parent counseling and the treatment of mental health problems. As a psychologist, Dr. Zakalik evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically being telehealth psychotherapy or talk therapy. Patients usually visit Dr. Zakalik because they are seeking help reducing conflicts, promoting healthy relationships and growth with their child. Dr. Zakalik offers parent counseling services and parent education webinars to schools and groups of parents on a variety of important mental health topics. Please reach out and schedule an appointment for more information.
- Chicago, IL
- Accepting new patients
Capacity? What is within someone's capacity? Capacity today, later today, tomorrow, next week, next year, etc. What is within a person's capacity to sustain healthy behaviors...
How does psychotherapy treat PTSD?
Medicine interactions?
Trying to find the correct cocktail of medication for a specific person is very difficult. This is primarily the reason I am a clinical psychologist that helps parents and not a psychiatrist who has the responsibility of prescribing medication. Finding the right medication and therapeutic interventions and healthy parenting strategies and philosophies is a sophisticated process. It relies on accurate feedback from the client and also interventions with several professionals. The interventions with professionals for you and your child are important to participate in order to improve overall. For medication specific questions, I am intentionally referring to your prescribing physicians for help.
I will say, even if you don't know the answer, know what is within your capacity and know what is within your son's capacity and start from there. If you are warm and understanding of your child and go through experiences together in a supportive manner, you can foster growth now and in the future.