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Ms. Hanh Cline

OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) | Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery

Hanh Cline is a physician assistant practicing in Redding, CA. Hanh specializes in preventing and treating human illness and injury by providing a broad range of care under the supervision of a physician. A physician assistant's work can include physical exams, ordering and interpreting tests, performing procedures and prescribing medication. Often times, they can assist in surgery but the scope of practice can vary according to jurisdiction or health care setting.
22 years Experience
Ms. Hanh Cline
  • Redding, CA
  • Physician Associates
  • Accepting new patients

What treatments are there for a tennis elbow?

You can first figure out what cause it! Which daily function that you have been doing that could possibly lead to over use of forearm that irritated elbow? Then try Tennis elbow READ MORE
You can first figure out what cause it! Which daily function that you have been doing that could possibly lead to over use of forearm that irritated elbow? Then try Tennis elbow brace and start modifying your activities to accommodate it healing process!

Can you treat scoliosis with physical therapy?

Definitely! And daily stretching and exercise with some Chiropractic also help depends on how severe the case is ! Imaging assists with treatment modification! Massage therapy READ MORE
Definitely! And daily stretching and exercise with some Chiropractic also help depends on how severe the case is ! Imaging assists with treatment modification! Massage therapy as well!

Should I have a physical therapy after elbow surgery?

This type of questions very specific to surgeon ‘s preference! Please check with your surgeon for follow up treatment including PT


Please see urgent care for this !

I think i have oral thrush

Please check with your doctor ! And in the meantime use some probiotics

Is physical therapy worth it for back pain?

It can be … If you see us at pulse urgent care center we can help 100 East cypress redding California 530-722-1111

How long does it take for physical therapy to start working for neck pain?

Depends on the problem
If you see us at pulse urgent care center we can help 100 East cypress redding California 530-722-1111

Do I need a tetanus shot if I slipped and fell on the road?

Without breaking skin exposed to rusty objects no

Can a child get a CT scan under anesthesia?

Please check with her pediatrician

Can I take medications for heart arrhythmia?

Sure can
If you see us at pulse urgent care center we can help 100 East cypress redding California 530-722-1111

Should I have physical therapy after elbow surgery?

It depends
If you see us at pulse urgent care center we can help 100 East cypress redding California 530-722-1111

What is the best physical therapy after back surgery?

It’s depend on the problem
If you see us at pulse urgent care center we can help 100 East cypress redding California 530-722-1111

I think i have oral thrush

You can try yogurt! If not better see your doctor near by or urgent care for examination and further testing!