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Nicholas D. Capaul


Dr. Nicholas Capaul is a psychologist practicing in Ida, MI. Dr. Capaul specializes in the treatment of health mental problems, and helps people to cope with their mental illnesses. As a psychologist, Dr. Capaul evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically being psychotherapy or talk therapy. Patients usually visit Dr. Capaul because they have been experiencing depression, anxiety, stress or anger for a significant period of time and are seeking help. Psychologists may perform a variety of exams and assessments to diagnose a mental condition.
10 years Experience
Nicholas D. Capaul
  • Wyandotte, Michigan
  • Michigan School of Psychology
  • Accepting new patients

My sister loses interest in things very fast, having a negative impact on her life.

This is a great question. I wonder if she's losing interest in all these aspects of her life because she has yet to find her true path. Does she feel authentic in her life? She READ MORE
This is a great question. I wonder if she's losing interest in all these aspects of her life because she has yet to find her true path. Does she feel authentic in her life? She is 20 years old and has a lot more life in front of her. As a therapist, I would explore existential aspects to help her find her meaning.


Nicholas Capaul, PsyS, TLLP

My son is a different child since the death of his father. What can I do to help him?

In my experience dealing with children and teens the most important facet to your child’s healing is finding a therapist that your child is comfortable with and trusts. Before READ MORE
In my experience dealing with children and teens the most important facet to your child’s healing is finding a therapist that your child is comfortable with and trusts. Before medications, I would research (possibly with your child) potential therapists who have specialties in dealing with children struggling with loss.

Hope this helps!

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

Is it possible to treat bipolar disorder without medication?

Has your son tried psychotherapy yet? If not this may be an alternative to medicine, in helping him cope with his suffering. Through psychotherapy he may learn new healthy coping READ MORE
Has your son tried psychotherapy yet? If not this may be an alternative to medicine, in helping him cope with his suffering. Through psychotherapy he may learn new healthy coping skills to better function in his daily life.

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

How can I stop nightmares about an event from my childhood?

I am curious why the nightmares have started a few months back. I wonder if there has been a life event that has happened to spark up these feelings of being bullied...try to think READ MORE
I am curious why the nightmares have started a few months back. I wonder if there has been a life event that has happened to spark up these feelings of being bullied...try to think if there is any reason why you may feel bullied in your life right now, at home or work?

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

I am extremely stressed out because I'm under way too much pressure at work. Please help.

There are multiple avenues we could go with this question. Work can be highly stressful....what are you doing for self-care?

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

When is it advised to see a doctor for depression?

I always say to people if it is causing noticeable distress in your life then it might not be a bad idea to seek out professional help. I understand that going to therapy can be READ MORE
I always say to people if it is causing noticeable distress in your life then it might not be a bad idea to seek out professional help. I understand that going to therapy can be a worrisome process, however the results can be life changing. It is important to do your research on therapists around you to find a good fit. Remember you can always change therapists if the dynamics are not working. Hope this helps answer your question.

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

Why do I get very nervous and shaky?

This can be an indication that your anxiety level is high. Do you experience panic attacks? I think you would benefit from one-on-one therapy, to discuss some coping strategies READ MORE
This can be an indication that your anxiety level is high. Do you experience panic attacks? I think you would benefit from one-on-one therapy, to discuss some coping strategies to deal with the high levels of stress.

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

I am not able to sleep due to financial stress. What can I try to sleep soundly?

Well sorry to hear you are struggling financially. One thing I would suggest is to keep track of your caffeine intake. I would not drink any caffeine after 5pm. Secondly I would READ MORE
Well sorry to hear you are struggling financially. One thing I would suggest is to keep track of your caffeine intake. I would not drink any caffeine after 5pm. Secondly I would try a guided meditation (there is a free app called headspace) that is good. Lastly, try to take a warm shower or bath before hitting the pillow. If you have insurance you should try talk therapy I think it would do wonders for you!


Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP

Can one start showing symptoms of ADHD as an adult?

Yes it is possible. Usually it shows up in kids but maybe it was never diagnosed.

Nicholas Capaul PsyS, TLLP