Why Concern Myself with Snoring, I Don't Have a Problem

Dr. Jeffery Hodges is a general dentist and is qualified in dental sleep medicine practicing in Charlottesville, VA. Dr. Hodges specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and sleep disordered breathing conditions. He works with our patients physicians to promote... more
Well, a lot of people think that expression is true. If it is, great. For 68 million people in our country, it is not. Why should a dentist be concerned about this issue anyway? Good question; one I plan to address and do address every day with my patients. The problem is sleep-related breathing disorders. This comes in several different forms, but ultimately it results in a problem breathing while we sleep that can have a devastating effect upon the quality of your life.
At our practice, we are intentional about asking our patients about their sleep issues. These problems would be medical issues that need to be address by the patient's physician. We see patients regularly and can serve as an aid to screening problems. If we can assist the physicians in caring for their patients by using appliances to open the airway while they sleep all the better. Please understand, what may appear as a simple nuisance of making loud noises as we sleep may be the start to sleep apnea or may lead one to be more prone to developing a stroke or a compromising heart condition.
Over my 36 plus years of improving my patients oral condition, I have observed numerous occasions where sleep-related breathing problems were identified as factors causing death or debilitating conditions. In that time, I have found the medical recognition of such to increase. I have witnessed patients and members of my family succumb to the disease. Please ask questions and get advice to sleep-related breathing problems to improve your quality of life. I know I did and treatment has improved my quality of life. It can with yours too.