5 Steps To A Healthier You - Naturally

Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington is a naturopathic doctor and internationally certified lymphatic therapist (CLT-LANA) practicing in both Aurora, IL and Winfield, IL. Dr. Hood Washington specializes in proactive prevention and treatment of lymphatic and circulatory disorders including lymphedema, lipedema, chronic venous insufficiency... more
5 Steps & 5 Elements For A Healthier You
All of us at some point in time in our lives, perennially start a New Year with an honest commitment to be healthier. Let’s start this new year and new decade with a 21st century health model. The basic 4 elements needed for life are: food, water, oxygen, and sunlight. The fifth element needed for life as shown by scientists across the world over more than 50 years is the Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF).
If you want to truly live a healthier lifestyle, there are a lot of ways to do that. This year, I want you to commit to doing what it takes to boost your body’s circulation to achieving this goal. The following tips are not only going to include some of the methods you have heard countless times, like diet and exercise, but also incorporating some natural health remedies like employing Bio-Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation/Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy. PEMF frequencies are needed for the body’s sleep cycle, repair cycle and energy production. The Earth’s PEMF frequencies are so vital to human health that NASA and the Russian space programs equip their spacecraft with devices that simulate these frequencies.
Incorporate Coconut Oil Into Your Life
Coconut oil is one of the best natural remedies for health in general, helping so many different things. This is why it is at the top of the list. Try to incorporate more of it into your life, from adding it to your diet, to rubbing it on your skin or using it on your hair and nails. Coconut oil is natural, but you do want to choose the organic or virgin kind so it doesn’t come with any additives. There are a lot of healthy snacks and meals you can prepare that use coconut oil. Make sure before consuming it that you are not allergic to it.
Drink Plenty Of Water
Drinking more water is crucial if you want to be a healthier person. You should try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, more if your doctor recommends it based on your needs or your weight. If you sweat a lot during the day, you should be drinking more water to replenish those fluids. You might also want to try fruit-infused water.
Follow A Healthy Diet
This might not be what you wanted to hear, but your diet is a big part of being healthy, whether you are losing weight or not. Even if you aren’t trying to lose weight, you should always focus on proper nutrition. It actually helps with things like your digestion, reducing headaches and migraines, and avoiding more serious diseases later in life. Try a Paleo or Ketogenic diet and reach out to a nutritionist or naturopathic coach to help you make those dietary changes.
Get Your Body Moving
Exercise doesn’t have to be hitting the gym for 3 hours each day, but you should keep your body moving. Every day, try to get up and get some type of exercise. The movement of the body promotes both circulation and microcirculation and a healthy flow of blood and lymphatic fluid. On busy workdays, take your afternoon break outside where you walk around the building a few times, or go for a hike over the weekend to really get your blood pumping. Take your dogs on an extra walk in the evening, or ride bikes with your kids. There are a lot of ways to get more exercise without trying very hard. But when it is cold outside, especially, try using a rebounding device, and find a wellness center with a BEMER/PEMF device to use 2x per day for 8 minutes per session or 1x per day for 16 minutes.
Go Outside
You may be missing vitamin D, which you can get from the sunshine. If you work indoors, it might be hard for you to force yourself outside for those natural rays. However, if you’re adding in exercise, this makes it a lot easier. People with fairer skin should be very aware of vitamin D deficiencies; as well as those with chronic inflammation and autoimmune disorders. Commit to your own health and get a health test that evaluates your vitamin D levels.
Revolutionize your approach for better health with these steps based on the latest studies, findings and health tools.
Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington, MPH, CLT-LANA
BEMER Senior Independent Distributor