Fix That Double Chin

Dr. Semone B. Rochlin is a board-certified General Surgeon specializing in Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery. As one of the only female cosmetic surgeons in Scottsdale or Gilbert, she brings a unique perspective to the field. Dr. Rochlin connects with her patients on a deeper level because she understands their needs.... more
In comparison to other liposuction procedures in Scottsdale AZ, chin liposuction recovery and swelling are pretty minimal. That’s due to the fact that there are less fat and skin to remove from the chin and neck than the thighs, buttocks, and other places where liposuction is performed. The procedure itself takes less time, so patients get home sooner to rest and recover faster.
Most liposuction procedures, including chin liposuction, are performed in outpatient surgery centers.
Chin Liposuction Recovery Time
Some patients feel well enough after chin lipo to return to work the day after the procedure. Almost all are back within three days when the swelling has lessened, and many patients are fully recovered after a week. Pain associated with chin lipo is generally minimal. Dr. Rochlin uses local anesthesia for the procedure to sedate the patient.
Although the chin and neck are sensitive areas. Dr. Rochlin strongly recommends patients to continue to wear a wrap or chin strap for about 2 weeks to minimize post-operative swelling and help the skin properly conform to the new neck contour.
Here are five tips that ease pain and swelling and assist with recovery for the first few days after surgery:
- Sleep in a recliner chair and keep the head elevated by at least 30°
- Have plenty of ice ready to keep on the surgical area
- Do not lift or bend over
- Make sure blood pressure is kept under control
- Do not take medications that can cause bruising. Typically this includes NSAID pain relievers, blood thinners, and many supplements. Dr. Rochlin will review your regular vitamin/supplement and medication regimen.
Dr. Rochlin may request you continue one or more of these steps after your post-surgery visit. Some people swell easily and benefit from additional icing until the swelling goes away. For some patients, total chin liposuction recovery time can take a couple of weeks. However, most of the bruising and discomfort go away after a few days.
Patients See Cosmetic Benefits During Chin Liposuction Recovery Time
Liposuction works by making small incisions into the treatment area and inserting cannulas that suck out fluids and fat that have accumulated there. There is typically some bleeding. The stitches used in chin lipo are dissolvable and fall out, usually within a week to ten days. The procedure also includes tightening the skin to create attractive jawlines.
Patients often see improvements in their appearance even as they recover. Patients begin to see their new look once the swelling starts to subside. Fixing a double chin, and sometimes excess neck skin can really make a striking facial improvement. The newly-tightened skin makes people look (and often feel) younger.
When you consider how long to recover from chin liposuction – usually within a week – to how long does it last – seven to ten years – it’s easy to understand why it’s one of the most gratifying cosmetic procedures for both men and women.
Fat Cells Removed By Liposuction Won’t Return
Liposuction removes fat cells from the body, so they won’t grow back. In fact, patients who gain weight after lipo won’t “grow” new cells since fat cells develop during puberty. Weight gain will expand the cells that remain.
However, patients who keep a healthy, normal weight will have long-lasting benefits from liposuction, particularly on the face. Gravity and lack of skin collagen contribute more to loosened skin. Genetics may play a role as well.
Call or contact one of our offices in Scottsdale or Gilbert, Arizona, or Rancho Cucamonga, California for a free, friendly, and confidential consultation about how to deal with that annoying double chin.