Holistic Medicine Spectrum of Use

Victor Tsan, CHP, is the founder of the Philadelphia Holistic Clinic. Victor Tsan began his medical career when he graduated with honors from the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Moldova, USSR in the spring of 1976. After this initial success, Victor pursued his first internship in Psychotherapy at 1st... more
Holistic Medicine aka alternative medicine becomes more and more popular in today’s world because it is natural and safe. The human body was built in a way that it can fight diseases. This is possible through the white blood cells and other inbuilt self-healing mechanisms. Sometimes these infections overpower the body and its defense system. This calls for external assistance through medicines. While many rely on pharmaceuticals and manufactured medicines, alternative medicine is equally good if not better. The natural approach of holistic medicine has other benefits including strengthening the body’s immune system. The result is a strong body defense system able to shield one from future disease attacks. Let’s find out which diseases can be treated by holistic practitioners.
Internal diseases can be treated with holistic medicine
It is so unfortunate that you can rarely tell when an infection is entering our bodies. If you could, you wouldn’t allow the disease to infiltrate your health system causing you to suffer. There is a respite. Prevention is! A cure is the other option.
When internal diseases are mentioned, what are is being referred to? Here are a few examples:
- Gastroenterological Infections
- Urinary Tract
- Heart Problems
- Lungs Diseases, e.g. bronchitis and asthma
The aforementioned diseases can become chronic if not arrested early. That is why you need to be on the lookout all the time.
If you choose to use alternative medicine as the prevention path, then you will have to sacrifice a lot. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the most popular prevention approach many health enthusiasts campaigns for. For urinary tract infections, abstinence is half a solution.
What happens when you are already infected? Alternative medicine is a solution.
Treating internal diseases naturally
There are many curative measures for internal diseases.
Step 1: The first step is in establishing what the cause of the disease is and reversing the process.
For instance, many heart problems are caused by the high consumption of fat. Some of the foods and drinks responsible for this include alcohol and meals cooked with excessive cooking oil among other causes.
A urinary tract infection, on the other hand, is caused by low cleanliness standards in addition to contraction from an infected partner. Smoking is among the leading factors in lung disease problems.
You have probably seen signs of internal diseases earlier. That should prompt you to the next step.
Step 2: The next stage is seeing a naturopathic doctor aka holistic doctor.
The majority of diseases can be well treated by a traditional physician. If you prefer to be treated naturally, you need to see a naturopathic doctor as your first alternative.
Having trained and practiced on providing natural treatment to patients, a holistic doctor is in a good position to help you heal. He/she has the discernment to know which natural medicine will cure your disease.
A holistic doctor will prescribe holistic medicines for you. This leads to the next critical step you should follow.
Step 3: Abide by the doctor’s prescription to the latter.
The holistic doctor must have evaluated your physical and emotional conditions and measure the right amount of natural remedy that is right for you. The best thing to do is to follow the instructions to the latter. The natural medicines will work to your amazement.
That is one and the only right way. This is not only a natural remedy in existence. This is a holistic treatment.
Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are the second options. NEVER DO IT.
The following article I found in the official publication about natural treatment. Read it and make sure you will never do it.
“Take note of the symptoms. This will help you establish which disease you are suffering from, through intensive research. Most internal diseases are caused by the consumption of harmful foods and drinks. Saying you should stop taking in harmful substances is not substantive. How do you tell a drink contains lead or mercury substances using your eyes? It is close to impossible. Balance your diet and exercise regularly. Balancing a diet involves cutting off harmful substances including alcohol. Instead, take in vitamin-rich fruits like oranges, bananas, grapes, melon, and mangoes.
Work out regularly to stimulate your blood circulation system. As a result, you will have enough oxygen transported to the rest of the body parts. Carbon (IV) oxide will be cleared from the body in totality. With sufficient oxygen in supply, digestion and other body processes will flow simultaneously. This means the efficiency and proper functioning of the whole body as a system. You’ve heard of garlic or probably used it before. Guess what, that garlic you use is medicine for many internal diseases.
It is a leading healer of bacteria. It also eliminates the virus and does not give space to fungi’s survival. Garlic alone will help you treat all these three mentioned above at a go. Self-diagnosis is a risk. Although, if well done it remains to be one of the best healing methods. The beauty of natural treatment is less or no side effects.”
As I mentioned before – never do it – never treat yourself. Remember, that naturopathic doctor is, first of all, a physician (an MD or DO) with 7-10 years of education and residency. Only after graduation from a medical school some of us go to traditional medicine, some to surgery, some to osteopathic medicine, and some to holistic medicine. It is the same as some musicians play the piano and some play the violin, but they all are professional musicians, to begin with. Only a physician can diagnose and decide what is good for you and what is not. The publications like this discredit the holistic medicine.
Pain Control and Alternative Medicine
Pain is brought about by different causes. The most common types of pain include:
These pains can be unbearable sometimes. The good news is there are natural remedies to aches. Popular natural analgesic herbs are:
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Green Tea
Well, it is not a rule that the above remedies will work for your particular medical condition. The results will vary depending on the circumstances.
A backache may subside within a few stretches or a good night’s sleep. Drinking green tea or taking warm water can help alleviate headaches. Ginger works to heal all kinds of pains including other health benefits. A mix of two or three of these medicines works better. Our best suggestion for pain relief is acupuncture. Also, Reiki and homeopathic remedies may bring a good result.
Neurological Diseases – Holistic Treatment
Everyone dreads neurological diseases. Affected ones tend to be a liability to their guardians. It comes with emotional baggage in addition to stigma.
Examples of these diseases include:
There are many others. Many people and their family members or friends facing neurological diseases search for a solution to these diseases relentlessly. Here are probable solutions to such diseases.
Treating neurological diseases naturally
Most of these diseases are a result of neuron degeneration. To help prevent that, anti-inflammatory medicine is needed with anti-oxidative qualities.
Naturopathic doctors will recommend natural remedies and holistic treatments to help a patient heal. With neurological diseases, you cannot risk relying on yourself for treatment. Always consult a professional holistic health practitioner.
Neurological diseases are complicated and require high levels of professionalism. Besides, it is only a doctor who can tell how severe the situation is, therefore, administering the right amount of natural treatment.
Once a doctor gives you natural medicine or a prescription, kindly follow it to the latter. It will save you or your sick relative. Isn’t that what you want; to make a difference in someone’s life?
Holistic Treatment for Psychiatric Conditions
Mental sickness is real and can be triggered by anything including stress. Some of the most common psychiatric conditions include:
The above mental conditions are a state of mind resulting from different reasons and very often we don’t know the reason. Anxiety and depression are always developing as a result of too much worry or fear of the unknown. Depression results from staying under pressure for quite some time.
Normally, people plunge into depression when they are in an unbearable situation they are unable to get out of, or so they think. Anxiety, on the other hand, is a product of worrying over things. Most of the time, it is about imaginary things. Phobia is a strong fear of something. The most common fears include fear of heights, snakes, and even darkness. Different people have different fears at different levels.
Most times, the feared thing, place, or condition may be harmless to the fear bearer. Sometimes the fear might be out of the previous experience with the cause of fear.
Treating psychiatric conditions naturally
Either way, nature has its way of healing psychiatric conditions. Some of these conditions are so dire that medication is required. Even then, natural medicine is available with a long-lasting solution. It works by reversing the situation thus restoring sobriety. It does not end there. Holistic medicine prevents future psychiatric episodes from occurring.
Some of the natural remedies to these diseases include:
- Regular exercise
- Keeping positive thoughts
- Finding a confidant and sharing your thoughts and feelings
- Philanthropy and doing good to others
- Jotting down in writing what you want to achieve and tackling each at a time
- Rewarding yourself for every target you set and meet
- Regular therapy
- Clinical Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Counseling and Psychoanalysis.
It is believed one step is the beginning of a 1000-mile journey. Most psychiatric diseases arise because of the pressure to achieve something so badly; whether an emotional or physical desire. The disappointment that comes with the failure to meet your target puts you under immense pressure that keeps you thinking. Too many thoughts create imaginary threats in your mind. It may become worse. When it does, the victim may start having suicidal thoughts. At the end of the day, they may harm themselves.
Regular therapy with a naturopathic psychiatrist will help a big deal. He will assist a big time in restructuring your mental make-up. The first step is gathering the anamnesis (what is bothering you, what are you feeling, etc.). Then, the doctor will proceed to evaluate the seriousness of your condition and come up with a step-by-step solution.
It is not easy but with determination it is possible. All you need is a positive attitude.
Holistic Medicine in OB-GYN
Everybody wants a healthy sexual life. It bothers one when every month you have to deal with painful periods as a lady. Other diseases an obstetrician-gynecologist (OBGYN) will help you heal include:
- Menstrual Dysfunction
- Cramps
- Severe Bleeding (menorrhagia and metrorrhagia)
- Infertility
- Polycystic Ovary (PCOS)
Traditional Chinese Medicine, famously abbreviated as TCM is a common natural medicine for gynecological diseases. It works well in getting rid of these infections, and hormonal dysfunctions, leaving behind zero side effects. For you to recover well, you need to use this treatment method under the prescription of a natural doctor. This will help you maintain the right dose level not to harm your fertility further.
Plants when raw, before processing or cooking are at the most compatible form with the human body. When taken in, the body happily assimilates the nutrients. Metabolism begins and diseases get flushed out of the body immediately.
The more you take in these herbs the more diseases you treat. Besides, you make your defense more solid. Vitamins, phosphorous, calcium, and potassium are some of the nutrients found in plants and fruits your body will depend on for treatment.
Well, you may know how to administer self-treatment. Do not hesitate to do so. In case you are not aware of which herbs to use and which nutrients to go after, seek the services of a naturopathic doctor. He/she will go the extra mile to give you a prescription you will find helpful.
Before the invention of pharmaceuticals, diseases used to exist; many of them for that matter. Did people use to die? Yes, they used to but others received treatment and continued living. Some even lived past the 100-year mark. That is a clear indication that natural medicine is equally effective in treatment. Currently, new diseases have come up calling for more medicine inventions.
One fact remains, all manufactured drugs get their medicinal value from plants and some animals, even insects. That means nature can take care of all kinds of diseases even without the intervention of medicine manufacturers.
There exist various types of natural healing processes; naturopathic doctors are likely to administer to you. They include:
- Homeopathy
- Herbs
- Acupuncture
- Naturopathy
The use of garlic, drinking hot water and regular physical exercises are among the many examples of the above-mentioned techniques. The remedies work well in healing and protecting the body from infections and deadly diseases. These methods never disappoint. They work by stimulating the body’s natural defense mechanism into action.
Once the bacteria or disease-causing virus is eradicated, natural medicines form a ‘fortress’. The wall protects the body from future attacks.
Alternative methods of treatment have not been fully adopted world over. Leading in the campaign against this form of treatment are pharmaceutical drug manufacturers and medics. Clearly, these medicine dealers are fighting a lost battle because of the rate at which natural medicine is treating diseases they have no other choice than support the method. This article has highlighted a few diseases that can be treated naturally and how possible that is. The secret is in following the doctor’s prescription to the latter.
Alternative Medicine Doctors Near Me
If you live in Philadelphia and are in search of alternative medicine for yourself or your friend or family member just key in Google: “Alternative Medicine doctors near me” and see Philadelphia Holistic Clinic popping up as #1 holistic facility in Philadelphia. The clinic directed by the internationally recognized medical doctor, naturopath, acupuncturist, and hypnotherapist, Victor Tsan.
Contact our clinic (267) 284-4305 to schedule your appointment for an initial holistic evaluation or use our online scheduling application.