Risa Davidson
Dr. Risa Davidson is a pediatrician practicing in Carmel, IN. She is a "concierge style" direct primary care pediatrician as of early 2021 when she left the corporate medicine world. This new concept of medical care to families is the future of medicine. The goals: more time with patients, less waiting, less overall patient volume, being there for the patient when they truly need you! You have direct access to Dr. Davidson at all times as a member of her practice.
19 years
Risa Davidson
- Carmel, IN
- Indiana University
- Accepting new patients
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Is honey good for a baby with a cough?
Honey is great for cough, but ONLY if your child is OVER 1 year of age. Less than 1 year is not safe and there is risk for botulism.
Dr. Risa Davidson
Dr. Risa Davidson
Why is my 3 month old drinking less milk?
Discuss with your doctor ... it can be normal but it depends on many other factors such as how much of other things they are starting to eat. As long as he continues to gain weight READ MORE
Discuss with your doctor ... it can be normal but it depends on many other factors such as how much of other things they are starting to eat. As long as he continues to gain weight and grow properly we do not get too concerned.
Why do some children develop diabetes around their adolescent years?
There are different types of diabetes ... 1 and 2. So that is step 1 is determining if the pancreas has no function at all (basically burned out) -this is type 1. Type 2 typically READ MORE
There are different types of diabetes ... 1 and 2. So that is step 1 is determining if the pancreas has no function at all (basically burned out) -this is type 1. Type 2 typically develops in people who are overweight and start to develop insulin resistance from poor diet.
Which teething gel is best for babies?
We do not recommend any teething gels in infants. They can be dangerous as can numb the back of throat as well.
What's the best pain relief for teething baby?
Teething toys frozen and Tylenol
Is influenza vaccine necessary?
Yes I 100% recommend the flu vaccine.
How much breastmilk should a 3 month old be getting?
This varies and there are ranges. It depends on how baby is growing ... this is something to discuss with your pediatrician.