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Dr. Thomas Santucci, D.C.


Dr. Thomas Santucci is a Functional Medicine doctor practicing in Campbell, CA. Dr. Santucci specializes in regenerative medicine including new Sanexas technology and neurochemical interventions. Special interest in scalable equipment-based therapies like Neurofeedback and PEMF. Author of several articles redefining the scope of practice for MDs, and alternative medical providers.
47 years Experience
Dr. Thomas Santucci, D.C.
  • Campbell, CA
  • Georgetown University
  • Accepting new patients

Can a chiropractor cause damage?

This does not really happen. It is hard to review a potential Adverse Medical Event without saying that there is always the possibility of something going wrong. Read the possibilities READ MORE
This does not really happen. It is hard to review a potential Adverse Medical Event without saying that there is always the possibility of something going wrong. Read the possibilities of problems with knee surgery! Put in context of Medical interventions, Chiropractic adjustments are far safer than steroids, drugs, or surgery. It is doubtful that the profession would have survived if they caused widespread damage. Because Chiropractic is a general term like Physician, it is important to choose a doctor that has the training and temperament that match your requirements. There are Chiropractic Neurologists that can diagnose very complex Central Nervous system problems. There are specialists in Functional Medicine and women's health issues. There are orthopedic oriented doctors that specialize in posture and joint alignment. In general, Chiropractic enjoys one of the least damaging interventions while effectively promoting natural healing.