Dr. Sarah Thomas
Integrative Medicine
Dr. Sarah Thomas is the owner of Saint Acupuncture and Wellness in Saint Simons Island, Ga. Dr. Thomas evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of oriental medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting a patient history, feeling the pulse, looking at the patient's tongue to assess and diagnose a pathogenic condition. Then, they place very fine acupuncture needles into specific points on the body. Stimulating these points is how Dr. Thomas treats the patients condition. Many of the body's systems respond to acupuncture, and it can treat physical pain, emotional stress, and many other acute and chronic diseases. Think of disease and pain as an accident on the freeway. That accident has all the lanes of traffic blocked. The longer that accident blocks the follow of traffic the longer the traffic jam becomes. The same is true for the body. Acupuncture and stimulation are like the first responders clearing the accident, getting traffic flowing again, and moving the injured to receive healing. The longer the condition (accident) has remained, the greater the amount of time needed to get things moving again. Acupuncture helps the body utilize it's own resources to help itself heal along with natural medicines like custom plant based prescription herbal formulas.
8 years
Dr. Sarah Thomas
- Saint Simons Island, GA
- Dragon Rises Oriental Medicine
- Accepting new patients
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Are there natural treatments for anxiety?
Chinese medicine has several shen calming natural herbal formulas and acupuncture is very calming, its premise is to relax mind, body, and spirit in order to relax, rest, and repair. READ MORE
Chinese medicine has several shen calming natural herbal formulas and acupuncture is very calming, its premise is to relax mind, body, and spirit in order to relax, rest, and repair. Good luck on your wellness journey.
Is acupuncture effective in treating chronic pain?
Yes, in most cases, but they're always exceptions. If the pain is being caused by a structural issue, that may not change. It can alleviate the pain and reduce the amount of pain READ MORE
Yes, in most cases, but they're always exceptions. If the pain is being caused by a structural issue, that may not change. It can alleviate the pain and reduce the amount of pain medication needed. Many cases can benefit from a prescription herbal formula. There a several we can choose from, will depend on the TCM diagnosis. A modality called gua sha can be very beneficial as well. Hope this helps.
Does acupuncture work for chronic pain?
Yes, in most cases, but they're always exceptions. If the pain is being caused by a structural issue, that may not change. It can alleviate the pain and reduce the amount of pain READ MORE
Yes, in most cases, but they're always exceptions. If the pain is being caused by a structural issue, that may not change. It can alleviate the pain and reduce the amount of pain medication needed. Many cases can benefit from a prescription herbal formula. There a several we can choose from, will depend on the TCM diagnosis. Hope this helps.