Preconception Support

Ms. Alyson Lynne Alford Naturopath Henderson, NV

Dr. Aly Alford is a naturopathic Doctor practicing in Henderson, NV. Dr. Alford specializes in Fertility related issues and treatment. Dr. Alford combines holistic healing methods with lab testing and individual nutrtion/ supplement plans.  Naturopathic Doctors place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to... more

Preconception support is vitally important to the development of the baby. Proper vitamin and minerals are needed for the baby to physically and mentally grow. If a mother is deficient, additional supplementation will be needed. Testing should be done before conceiving to see what support Mama needs. This testing would generally be done using the Dutch Plus test. 

The Dutch test plus will let me look at the Hormone Imbalance, Gut Health, Vitamin Deficiency, etc. This test is excellent for being a guide map if you, will to guide us to better help Mamas in their preconception journey. The test just requires a urine sample, which can be done in the comfort of your own home. 

The Dutch Plus also does a printout of the results and gives a breakdown of all the results, as well as the recommended dosage.

Want more information or want to become a patient? Please message me.