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Riffat Asif


Dr. Riffat Asif is a Dentist practicing in Airdrie, Alberta. With over 20 years of experience in the dental field, Dr. Asif strives to provide the most comprehensive and highest standard dental care to her patients. She has obtained certification to perform Invisalign, endodontics, implants, and provide nitrous sedation to maximize her abilities in the dental profession. She obtained her BDS from Pakistan and after that, Dr. Asif had obtained her DDS from the University at Buffalo New York and started practicing dentistry in Calgary ever since.
In her free time, Dr. Asif loves spending time with her family and her parrot, Bebo. In addition, Dr. Asif loves to indulge in reading, cooking, and traveling, so if you have a favorite recipe or travel spot Dr. Asif would love to hear it!
Riffat Asif
  • Airdrie, Alberta
  • Accepting new patients

Understanding Root Canal Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide

Dealing with tooth pain can be one of the most excruciating experiences, often leading to the dreaded dentist visit. If you've ever been told you need a root canal, you might...