Theresa DeMichele
Dr. Theresa DeMichele is a psychologist practicing online psychotherapy in Marlboro, NJ. Dr. DeMichele specializes in the treatment of mental health problems, and helps people to cope with their mental health challenges. Dr. DeMIchele brings over 20 years of clinical experience working with adults, teens, couples, and families. She earned my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Alliant International University and has worked in esteemed settings, including Stanford Behavioral Health and various EAP programs in Silicon Valley, and private practice.
She has extensive experience working with individuals facing a wide variety of challenges including depression, anxiety, stress, trauma or life transitions. Dr. DeMichele's focus is to provide compassionate support, personal growth, and self awareness. She is known for her collaborative approach to treatment and empowering her clients.
She has extensive experience working with individuals facing a wide variety of challenges including depression, anxiety, stress, trauma or life transitions. Dr. DeMichele's focus is to provide compassionate support, personal growth, and self awareness. She is known for her collaborative approach to treatment and empowering her clients.
31 years
Theresa DeMichele
- Marlboro, NJ
- Alliant International University
- Accepting new patients
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