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Aarushi Agarwal


Dr. Aarushi Agarwal practices general dentistry in Darlington, WI. Dr. Agarwal diagnoses and treats several oral health conditions like cavities, gum issues and infections. She assesses each case and makes the most suitable treatment plan for her patients such as restorations, root canals, extractions, dentures, and cleanings. When necessary, the cases are referred to other specialists for better care.
14 years Experience
Aarushi Agarwal
  • Darlington, WI
  • DAPM RV Dental College, India
  • Accepting new patients


Dentophobia, as the term is self explanatory, it means fear of dentists or fear of dental work. Dentophobia, Odontophobia, Dentist anxiety, Dental fear all mean the same. If...