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Lisa Z. Killinger


Dr. Lisa Killinger is a Chiropractor practicing in Bettendorf, IA. Dr. Killinger specializes in gentle care for all ages. She includes a thorough physical examination and care including both the spine and extremities. Her aim is to improve each patient's functionality and quality of life through a holistic patient-centered approach. Dr. Killinger holds an Advanced Proficiency Rating in Activator Methods, a gentle, science-based chiropractic technique. She has trained thousands of chiropractors in this safe and effective treatment for all ages of patient. 
42 years Experience
Lisa Z. Killinger
  • Bettendorf, IA
  • Palmer College of Chiropractic
  • Accepting new patients

Should I exercise if I have ankle arthritis?

Great question! Arthritis is so painful it causes some people to not exercise out of concern that it may damage their joints. But, what science tells us is this: There are three READ MORE
Great question! Arthritis is so painful it causes some people to not exercise out of concern that it may damage their joints. But, what science tells us is this: There are three things that help slow the progression of arthritis and improve joint function 1. Moving the joint through its range of motion (Ie: moving your ankle up,down and around in circles) 2. Strengthening the muscles around the arthritic joint, The stronger the muscles, the more you prevent artritis from worsening. Weak ankle joints wear out fast. Stronger ankles are less painful and stay better, longer. Stand on a step/stair with your heels hanging off the step. hold on to the rail and raise your heel as high as you can then lower it as low as you can (that helps with #1 and 2 above) 3. Keep the joints aligned. A joint that is poorly aligned (like knock knees, etc) wears out faster. Sometimes gentle chiropractic care (I recommend and do Activator Methods) can be helpful to re-align the bones around any joint, including the ankle. This gives relief to many patients. So, there you have it. YES to exercise! But always, start slowly and gradually to increase your strength and range of motion. Hope this helps!