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Dr. Lindsey Urband, M.D.

Hand Surgeon

Dr. Lindsey Urband is a hand surgeon practicing in San Diego, CA. Dr. Urband specializes in caring for hand, wrist and forearm problems without the option of surgery unless necessary. Many hand surgeons are also experts in diagnosing and caring for shoulder and elbow problems and tend to suggest non-surgical treatments such as hand therapy or physical therapy.
17 years Experience
Dr. Lindsey Urband, M.D.
  • San Diego, CA
  • University of Minnesota Medical School
  • Accepting new patients

Do they put you to sleep for hand surgery?

It depends on the type of surgery involved. Most of the time the procedures can be done using local anesthetic and IV sedation provided by the anesthesiologist.

Do ganglion cysts go away on their own?

Occasionally ganglion cysts will go away on their own.

Which doctor is best for an ankle sprain?

I would recommend a visit with an orthopaedic foot and ankle surgeon.

The upper part of my finger is getting bent?

There may be an element of inflammation causing these symptoms. The best solution is to see a hand specialist. You can contact your primary care doctor or go to the ASSH website READ MORE
There may be an element of inflammation causing these symptoms. The best solution is to see a hand specialist. You can contact your primary care doctor or go to the ASSH website at and search "find a hand surgeon".

How long should it take for a fractured vertebra to heal?

Fractures generally heal in 6-8 weeks. However, factors such as smoking, nutritional status and medical problems such a diabetes may slow the baking process. Consult your orthopedic READ MORE
Fractures generally heal in 6-8 weeks. However, factors such as smoking, nutritional status and medical problems such a diabetes may slow the baking process. Consult your orthopedic surgeon if there is an issue with bone healing.

What does it mean when your mid back hurts?

Back pain can be associated with many diagnoses. My advice is to speak with your primary care physician who will then examine you and determine what possible causes exist and then READ MORE
Back pain can be associated with many diagnoses. My advice is to speak with your primary care physician who will then examine you and determine what possible causes exist and then may refer you to a specialist.

Why do the top of my feet hurt?

There are many possible causes for foot pain, even in young people. My recommendation would be to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon specialist in foot and ankle READ MORE
There are many possible causes for foot pain, even in young people. My recommendation would be to schedule an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon specialist in foot and ankle surgery to be further evaluated.

Is there surgery for shoulder bursitis?

Shoulder bursitis can be treated with surgery, but often is first managed with conservative measures including physical therapy and occasional steroid injections.

Do orthopedic doctors treat shoulder pain?

Yes. Orthopaedic surgeons are often sub-specialized to treat problems of the shoulder and elbow.

How long does it take to recover from arthroscopic elbow surgery?

Recovery after elbow arthroscopy depends on what was performed in surgery. If a simple foreign body was removed or debridement was performed, motion may be initiated immediately READ MORE
Recovery after elbow arthroscopy depends on what was performed in surgery. If a simple foreign body was removed or debridement was performed, motion may be initiated immediately and recovery is within 6 weeks. However, if more extensive surgery is required, up to 6 months may be necessary for recovery.

How long does arthroscopic elbow surgery take?

Arthroscopy of the elbow surgery duration is variable depending on what the purpose of the surgery is. The procedure can last anywhere from 1-3 hours.