Mr. Warren J. Strudwick, M.D.
Sports Medicine Specialist
Dr. Warren Strudwick is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Emeryville, CA. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Strudwick is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
42 years
Mr. Warren J. Strudwick, M.D.
- Emeryville, CA
- Howard Univ Coll of Med, Washington Dc
- Accepting new patients
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Can my son benefit from massage therapy if he plays sports?
Sure, your son may benefit from massage therapy. But I would want more information about his history of back pain before making that as a recommended treatment. How often and how READ MORE
Sure, your son may benefit from massage therapy. But I would want more information about his history of back pain before making that as a recommended treatment. How often and how intense is his pain? How long does it last. Is there pain or numbness in his legs associated with the back pain? Has he had xrays or an MRI ? After these question are answered, a treatment plan can be developed for your son.
I have a strain in my back after playing hockey. Should I try warm water therapy to ease it?
I tend to recommend ice therapy after the acute onset of a back strain. And in combination with rest and the short-term use anti-inflammatory meds, symptoms usually can be controlled. READ MORE
I tend to recommend ice therapy after the acute onset of a back strain. And in combination with rest and the short-term use anti-inflammatory meds, symptoms usually can be controlled. Of course there no widespread agreement on the use of heat therapy vs. cold therapy. The benefits of heat therapy is a soothing resolution of the pain and an increased blood flow to the injured area. This may promote healing but may also create swelling and increased aching pain. So if you choose to use heat, put some ice on it afterwards to decrease the swelling and aching pain.
I have pulled my muscle from running. Will a hot shower help?
The hot shower will sooth the pain, but also may increase swelling and aching pain afterward the soothing effect wears off. I would recommend icing after you get out of the shower READ MORE
The hot shower will sooth the pain, but also may increase swelling and aching pain afterward the soothing effect wears off. I would recommend icing after you get out of the shower to prevent the aching symptoms.