Laura Wandner, PH.D.
Psychologist | Clinical
Dr. Laura Wandner is a clinical health psychologist practicing in Bethesda, MD. Clinical health psychologists focus on promoting overall well-being as well as coping with acute and chronic illnesses. Dr. Wandner specializes in helping patients understand the mind-body connection, helping them to improve their quality of life despite experiencing acute or chronic health conditions, and improving the way they live despite stress and hardships. Dr. Wandner specializes in treating patients with acute and chronic pain, headaches, and migraines. Dr. Wandner also has extensive experience treating insomnia, weight management, and managing life stressors. As a clinical health psychologist, Dr. Wandner evaluates and treats patients through a variety of methods, most typically including psychotherapy or talk therapy. Dr. Wandner also conducts a variety of integrated mental health assessments to diagnose a mental condition or better understand the impacts of biopsychosocial factors impacting a patient’s health experience. Dr. Wandner’s practice is tele-therapy practice. Dr. Wandner is licensed in the state of Maryland and can see patients via tele-therapy in any of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) participating states (full list here). For more information about Dr. Wandner's practice, please visit her website -
11 years
Laura Wandner, PH.D.
- Bethesda, MD
- University of Florida
- Accepting new patients
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Can you treat depression without meds?
Yes, you can treat depression without medications. One of the evidence based treatments for depression is called Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Depression.