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Dr. Richard Grinstead, DO


Dr. Richard Grinstead is an interventional radiologist practicing in Williamsville, NY. Dr. Grinstead specializes in minimally invasive, targeted treatments. Interventional radiologists use X-Rays, MRIs and other advanced imaging to put catheters in the body in order to treat the source of the disease internally. Many conditions that once required surgery can now have less risk, less pain and fewer invasions when treated by an interventional radiologist.
16 years Experience
Dr. Richard Grinstead, DO
  • Williamsville, NY
  • Accepting new patients

Can you get rid of uterine fibroids without surgery?

You can get rid of uterine fibroids with a minimally invasive procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). It's a procedure that can be done in an outpatient office setting READ MORE
You can get rid of uterine fibroids with a minimally invasive procedure called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE). It's a procedure that can be done in an outpatient office setting under moderate (conscious) sedation by an Interventional Radiologist. It is usually a same-day procedure where you come in in the morning and go home later the same day. Typically we access the arterial system via the right groin or left wrist. We use small catheters and wires to navigate the arteries down to the artery feeding the fibroid. We confirm with IV dye that we are in the correct vessel. Once confirmed, we inject small particles (like grains of sand) into the artery and they float downstream to the fibroids and stop the blood supply from feeding the fibroid. With the loss of blood supply, the fibroid starts shrinking over time. At the end of the procedure, the catheters and wires are pulled out and a compression bandage is applied. You don't even get stitches.

Is an abdominal CT scan safe?

Abdominal CT is very safe and very quick. Usually, the scan itself is only a few seconds. Gives a lot of information very quickly.

How successful is varicocele embolization?

It depends on your symptoms and size of the gonadal vein. In short, it is typically a quick and successful procedure. Patients are back to full activity in a day or two post READ MORE
It depends on your symptoms and size of the gonadal vein. In short, it is typically a quick and successful procedure. Patients are back to full activity in a day or two post procedure and vast majority have complete resolution of symptoms.

How long does a vein ablation take?

It depends on the type of ablation you are having. If you are having treatment for varicose veins in your legs, they are typically treated with either a laser or heating within READ MORE
It depends on the type of ablation you are having. If you are having treatment for varicose veins in your legs, they are typically treated with either a laser or heating within the vein. If the vessel to be treated is contiguous and fairly straight, the procedure time is roughly 30min or so. If the vessel to be treated is not contiguous or there are multiple feeding vessels it may take a few sessions.