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Dr. Bruce Alan Levine, PH.D.


Dr. Bruce Alan Levine PH.D. is a top Psychologist in Beverly Hills, . With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. Bruce Alan Levine PH.D. is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. He is one of only a very few clinical psychologists holding Board Certification from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). With over 30 years of experience you can be assured that you are in competent hands. His background includes having been the Chief Psychologist at Mt. Sinai South Nassau Medical Center in New York and having served as a Clinical Psychologist at the UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles. He was a clinical psychologist for the hit TV series "Hoarders" on the A&E Television Network and served on the Editorial Board of the prestigious Journal of Behavior Therapy & Experimental Psychiatry.
43 years Experience
Dr. Bruce Alan Levine, PH.D.
  • Beverly Hills, CA
  • Hofstra University
  • Accepting new patients

I am taking medication for my OCD, but I don’t feel very good. What should I do?

One of the most well-researched and empirically supported treatments for OCD is ERP (exposure with response prevention). This is a behavioral therapy and you should ask if the READ MORE
One of the most well-researched and empirically supported treatments for OCD is ERP (exposure with response prevention). This is a behavioral therapy and you should ask if the psychologist you are considering has expertise in the use of this therapy technique. To find someone who specializes in treatment for OCD you might want to look at the website ( for the International OC Foundation, where you can search different geographic areas to find an expert in this modality.

Is OCD a disease or a habit?

OCD is a variation of an anxiety disorder, but with a devastating twist. It causes a great deal of suffering for both the patient and often for the family. Obsessions are disturbing READ MORE
OCD is a variation of an anxiety disorder, but with a devastating twist. It causes a great deal of suffering for both the patient and often for the family. Obsessions are disturbing repetitive thoughts and compulsions are strong urges to engage in some unnecessary behavior. They are frequently linked together in that the anxiety from the obsessional thoughts may receive temporary reduction whenever the patient engages in the compulsive ritual. Sadly, the more the patient tries to obtain relief by engaging in the ritual, the stronger the compulsion becomes. I would suggest that you check the website for the International OCD Foundation where you will also find a list of specialists with special expertise in treating this often devastating mental disorder. Find them at:

For how long does a course of treatment for depression normally last?

The answer to your question is almost impossible to answer without knowing the exact diagnosis (there are several "depression" related disorders). For an adjustment disorder with READ MORE
The answer to your question is almost impossible to answer without knowing the exact diagnosis (there are several "depression" related disorders). For an adjustment disorder with depression, the treatment could last from weeks to months. For a bi-polar type depression, it could last years. My advice is for your son to discuss his diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment course with his psychologist or psychiatrist. Knowing the details of his case, they should be able to offer some opinion.
Thanks for asking and best of luck to your son!

Dr. Bruce Levine