Healthy Living

11 Exercise Routines that Can Help Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

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11 Exercise Routines that Can Help Ease Fibromyalgia Pain

According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, an estimate of 200 to 400 million people or roughly 5% of the world’s population is diagnosed with fibromyalgia. It is a chronic or a long-standing disorder affecting the muscles and bones of the body. Based on the number of affected people, it has been found that it is more common among women than men and it is also difficult to diagnose. 

While there isn't a known cure for the disease, the good thing about fibromyalgia is that there are already hundreds of remedies for it. One that is widely used and recommended is exercise. 

Exercises that Help Relieve the Pain Due to Fibromyalgia

According to studies, exercise training can help address anxiety problems of patients. Specifically longer exercise problems, they are proven to reduce serious anxiety issues normally felt by fibromyalgia patients.

1. Isometric Exercise 

These exercise techniques focus on contracting and executing the isometric type of movements that are low impact and widely recommended. Sample exercises can involve the calves, quads, hamstrings, and gluteus.

  • Calves–This exercise should be started by standing in a doorway or against the wall. The feet should be about a shoulder-width apart. In this position, you should rise up on your toes as high as you can.
  • Quads–On a firm chair, the patient should sit in an upright position, and both legs should be extended straight out. This position enables the thigh muscles to contract.
  • Hamstrings –With this, you start out by laying down on the floor. The feet be extended far from your body, and your knees should be bent. Your feet should also be flexed and your backside should also be lifted. This is a good exercise on the upper thighs as well.
  • Gluteus – This exercise starts by having the back of the patient on the floor and the knees bent. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, and the soles of the feet should lay flat on the floor. With a gentle motion, the backside should be lifted up and contracted tightly.

2. Walking Exercise 

One of the causes of stiffness felt by most fibromyalgia patients is the lack of oxygen flow to the muscles. According to medical doctors, walking is the simplest way of bringing oxygen flow back to the muscles. They further suggest to start with just a 10-minute walking routine every day until it can be increased up to 30 minutes.

3. Moderate Intensity Aerobic Training 

A study confirmed the efficacy of moderate intensity aerobic training on the betterment of fibromyalgia patients. The exercise was observed to improve the overall well-being of a patient as well as their motor functions.

4. Strength Training

This is also another form of exercise that has been proven to help reduce the pain of patients as well as their tender joints. This exercises also seems to alleviate depression in some fibro patients. This exercise can involve lifting light weights, and the patients can use resistance machines or free weights depending on the patient’s preference and availability.