Healthy Living

20 Celebrities Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea

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20 Celebrities Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea

Comedian, actress and producer, Roseanne Barr originally opened up about sleep apnea on her Lifetime reality show 'Roseanne's Nuts.'  Her then husband recorded her sleeping, snoring and gasping for air all night, which prompted her to go for a sleep study where she was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. On the reality show, she also recorded herself in a sleep clinic where they prompted her to take a home sleep study.

After her test, she began her CPAP treatment and had surgery on her nose to help improve her symptoms. Roseanne is also bringing sleep apnea to the forefront in her recent reboot of her hit show on ABC. In the intro of the show, John Goodman is seen sporting a CPAP mask. While it's not really brought up explicitly in the show, it does bring the awareness that this sleep disorder deserves.

Photo: Actress Roseanne Barr. Source: Wikimedia Commons.