5 Gluten-Free Snacks that are Too Delicious Not to Try
5 Gluten-Free Snacks that are Too Delicious Not to Try
People who are on a gluten-free diet know full well that some gluten-free products can be hard to find. While there are plenty of options out there nowadays, most of them just can’t keep up with their gluten-filled counterparts; even worse, most of them aren’t even taste-worthy.
Many products on the market are either dry or hard; sometimes, they even have a little too much texture. Moreover, products that don’t even contain gluten naturally, like granola, oats, popcorn, etc., are processed together with gluten products. This means they’re not completely gluten-free, and that is definitely a problem for many people who undergo gluten-free diets, particularly if they have celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity.
Fortunately, for those who have some form of issue with gluten, such as Paleo dieters and celiac sufferers, they can find some really amazing gluten-free products out there. Moreover, even those who want to experience a gluten-free lifestyle can benefit from these products. Not only are they nutritious, they’re also insanely delicious.
1. Granola and Muesli range from deliciously Ella
From deliciously Ella this gluten free snack consists of nutty granola, original granola and bircher Muesli. By plant based food blogger it has been released. They are rich in fibre, are 100 percent natural and are gluten free. No stabilizers, preservatives and additives have been added. In the original granola are present coconut chips, almond flakes, raisins, pumpkin seeds and toasted oats. In the nutty granola are cashews, hazelnuts and almonds. The Bircher muesli consists of sunflower seeds, apple and raspberries. When milk is added it tastes whole lot better.
2. Rhythm108 ooh la la tea biscuits
Finding really tasty biscuits is challenging for a person who has been living gluten free for years. Majority of them tastes bland except for this one. They are made using coconut flower sugar, coconut oil and gives it crunch and richness. They are available in a variety of flavours. The available ones are coconut and almond, chocolate, hazelnut and lemon and ginger.
3. Clearspring gluten free power porridge
The goal of clearspring is to bring back to the table the organic food. With the help of gluten free porridge they were able to achieve this. This provides organic insta buckwheat and organic insta mega porridge. Each of these have their own quality and flavour. This is made possible using the finest quality ingredients. In addition of this they can be prepared very easily and in five minutes they can be served.
4. Nairn’s gluten free super seeded oatcakes
They are made from wholegrain oats. They contain essential minerals, fibre and vitamins. They are incredibly delicious and are nutritious too. They not only contain oats but they also contain sunflower seeds and delicious chia. This makes them a snack that is nutritious and tasty. Also these super seeded oatcakes contain fibre, omega-3 and protein.
5. Nutria- brex cereals
It is also known as the breakfast wheat cereal. Although it does not contain wheat. For a completely gluten free snack it contains protein, fibre and is rich in vitamins. Sorghum is used to make this cereal. Sorghum is a gluten free grain. On the market it has been dubbed as a super grain. It is known that plenty of antioxidants are present in sorghum. For people with celiac disease it is considered to be completely safe.
Gluten free diet
At present it is at a rage. Many are accepting the trend and they are taking a gluten free diet. However one should know that to combat celiac disease this diet was originally started. By eliminating gluten out of the diet one can reverse celiac disease but making accurate diagnosis of symptoms is difficult. The only way is through intestinal biopsy. As means of curbing tiredness, depression and bloating many people are taking on this diet. They have found that eliminating gluten can cause weight loss.
Celebrities and athletes as a means for weight loss have switched to gluten free diet in order to lose weight and improve their health overall. A gluten free lifestyle is strictly followed by people with celiac disease.