Healthy Living

Are there any Contradictions for Alternative Treatment of Mumps?

Allergy or infection?

Contradictions for Alternative Treatment of Mumps

Mumps is a viral infection which causes swelling of the salivary glands. The patient’s throat and neck swells up making it difficult for them to talk or eat. Although it is not contagious like chicken pox and measles, mumps is a common disease which affects a person once. If there are no other complications besides mild painful swelling associated with mumps, the condition can be managed with outpatient health guidance and continuous care. From the onset of the infection it is necessary to minimize the risk of infecting others as it is a highly contagious disease. Mumps spread through coughing, sneezing or direct contact with an infected person.

What Medical Care Should be Taken at Home?

It is important to increase the intake of fluids to keep the patient adequately hydrated. Patients should have a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. However, it is better to avoid acidic foods and liquids as it will make the swallowing difficult and can cause gastric problems.

The viral infection that normally lasts for two weeks affects the parotid glands on the side of the face, mostly below the ears. Wrong diet can worsen the condition. It is important to follow the right diet to get rid of the disease soon.


What is the Alternative Way to Treat Mumps?

There are a few useful home remedies to treat mumps. They do not have any major side effects. It includes:

  • Chebulic Myroblan or ink fruit: thick paste of the herb with water is applied on the swelling to get relief.
  • Indian Aloe and Margo’s leaves: the leaves of the plants are used on the inflamed area. The leaf is peeled from one side; turmeric is added and then applied on the affected region.
  • Peepal leaves and banyan leaves: the leaves of any of these plants are smeared with oil or ghee and warmed over fire before applying on the affected part. They are excellent home remedies to treat mumps and are used as a bandage for better results.
  • Ginger: paste of dried ginger root can be applied or it can be taken orally. Ginger has anti viral and anti inflammatory properties that act as pain relievers.
  • Asparagus: the seed of asparagus and fenugreek are grounded to form a paste to be applied on the swelling. Powdered fenugreek can be taken with water to get better results.
  • Hot water: few glasses of hot water can help in relieving the pain. This is the simplest home treatment for mumps. 
  • Hot fomentation: applying hot fomentation and followed by cold fomentation over the affected areas several times in a day can give good results.
  • Fresh fruit juice: carrot, grapes or pineapple juices are effective in treating mumps.
  • Black pepper: paste of black pepper with water can be applied on the swelling to get results in a short time.
  • Garlic: it has therapeutic properties to cure several ailments. Apply peeled crushed cloves of garlic on the affected area to get relief. Garlic soup also has anti inflammatory properties. 

Who is not Allowed to Use the Alternative Treatment?

Some babies cannot take any herbs due to their intolerance to particular types of herbs. Those who normally tend to develop various allergic reactions to different irritants (dust, food, medication- antibiotics) are in the risk of contracting an allergy to ingredients such as honey, herbal tea and natural oils.

But it is not the end of the world as alternative remedies can be always swapped over common medicines. Always make sure to discuss the possibility of alternative treatment with your family doctor (GP). You should give the first dose of herbal stuff to your little one in a small portion and watch if he/she is feeling fine. Then proceed to give the rest after 15-20 minutes. Do not replace plain water with herbal tea in your baby's daily fluid intake as it could fraught some problems in the digestive system causing a stomachache in your baby. Water is indispensable.

What should I do if my baby's condition deteriorated after the application of alternative remedies?

If you notice some rash on your baby's skin within 10-15 minutes after the intake of some herbal tea, spraying of natural oil in your baby's room or application of gels and ointments on the baby's skin,

  • Stop giving the remedy.
  • Remove the ointment from the skin with warm soapy water and rinse it thoroughly.
  • Take the baby away from the premises where the supposed irritant is.
  • Call your GP for advise.
  • Use the remedies prescribed only by your doctor.

How do I know if the deterioration of my baby's condition is the after-effect of an alternative treatment but not the exacerbation of the illness?

If you have been giving the baby herbal tea or applying some ointments with natural ingredients together with antibiotics and antiviral medicines, then you should remember that you might make a "cocktail" in your child's stomach. Herbs are alternatives to chemical drugs, but not the main solution for the problem. They can be given within the intervals between major treatment uptakes or as an addition to that.

On the contrary, if the body temperature of an ill child goes up or if he/she becomes really sluggish, faints and passes a lot of urine or stopped passing it at all, then you might suspect that your baby's general condition is worsening due to the main reason- infection and not the allergy.

Give plenty of water to your baby and watch how he/she is. Review what your baby had got in his/her meals before the herbs are given as it might not be the fault of herbs for your baby's allergy or the unusual reaction (idiosyncratic). Allergies manifest in rashes and itchiness, vomiting and hard breath. These symptoms develop soon after the administration of herbal means.

It is important to get in contact with a medical expert before going on any sort of medication as they are the ones who have a proper understanding of the issue.