Healthy Living

Can ADHD Be Treated Only with Medication?


Can ADHD Be Treated Only with Medication?

Medication alone isn’t enough. Medication for ADHD is not all about seeking the services of a doctor or physician. You need to design mechanisms you can use to tackle the challenges associated with ADHD so that you can lead a more peaceful and productive life. 

With the most reliable tips, you can effectively manage all the symptoms associated with ADHD without the help of your doctor. Even if you prefer taking medication, embracing healthy lifestyle habits plus other effective self-help strategies can be handy in helping you curb this condition. You can do the following approaches to battle ADHD:

  • Regular exercises - regular exercising can help in alleviating the ADHD symptoms. Exercises boost the levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, as well as serotonin in the brain, helping you achieve higher focus and attention. Therefore, taking a walk, skateboarding, doing some hiking, and dancing can be very helpful in reducing the symptoms on ADHD. Rather than playing indoor video games, encourage your child to play or dance to help boost creativity and brain development.
  • Embrace a healthy diet -  an effective lifestyle change includes eating healthy and organic food rather than patronizing foods that are high in sugar and calories such as junk foods.
  • Get enough sleep - give your body a chance to rest by catching some sleep. Keeping a regular sleep schedule will help.
  • Consult a professional therapist - seek the services of a medical professional to design an effective therapy plan.
  • Maintain a positive attitude - it is important to have an optimistic point of view to avoid additional mental and emotional stress.

Guidelines for taking ADHD medication

If you prefer going for ADHD medication, it is vital to adhere to the direction of your doctor so that you will reduce the risk of experiencing side effects. Therefore, when taking such medications, keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Know all the information of the medication: It is important to learn about the ADHD medications, including potential side effects.
  • Be patient: Shopping around for the right medication can be challenging. Likewise, taking your dosage needs patience since it is a trial and error.
  • Start small: Doctors will advise that you start by taking a low dosage so that the side effects can be easily managed.
  • Consistent monitoring: Keenly monitor the side effects of ADHD medications. It is important to monitor the side effects as well as how effective the medications are reducing the ADHD symptoms.
  • Taper off slowly: Your child might dislike the medication. In such a case, you should contact your doctor or gradually reduce the dosage.

How to Deal with the Side Effects

Most people, including children, will experience some side effects as a result of taking ADHD medications. However, with the following tips, you can easily manage the side effects:

  • Loss of appetite: If you experience a reduction of appetite, try eating healthy snacks or push dinner to a later time when the medications have worn off.
  • Insomnia: To deal with sleep problems, take ADHD stimulants in the morning rather than in the evening.
  • Stomach upset and headaches: Never take medications when you are hungry. This can lead to nausea, stomach pains, and severe headaches. It is also important to understand that medications that are wearing off can trigger headaches. Therefore, you are advised to switch to a long-acting drug.
  • Dizziness: Before administering any medication to your child, make sure that his/her blood pressure is checked first. If it is found to be normal, consider reducing the dosage or switching to a long-acting stimulant. In addition, ensure to take enough fluid to drink.
  • Mood changes: Try lowering ADHD medications that cause irritability, depression, and agitation.

Remember, ADHD is manageable. Simply avoid the possible triggers of your symptoms and seek proper treatments or medications.