Healthy Living

Celebrities Affected by Parkinson's Disease

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Celebrities Affected by Parkinson's Disease

Photo: Muhammad Ali and Michael J. Fox. Source: Stat News.

Parkinson’s disease is a difficult condition. It takes some time for people to learn how to live with it and adopt regular habits that will help them cope with it.

Parkinson’s disease is a condition that affects 1 million Americans and over 10 million people around the world. Although the disease is subject of constant research and study looking to find a sustainable way to treat it that results in complete recovery, it has not been found yet.

People living with Parkinson’s disease are suggested to make changes in their lifestyle in order to cope with the symptoms of the condition, symptoms that can extend from constant shaking to uncontrollable impulses that limit the range of activities they are able to carry out normally.

People with Parkinson’s disease find it difficult to keep an average level of coordination and balance, meaning that with the passage of time they usually have to stop doing activities from their daily routine, sometimes even needing help while taking a shower, getting dress or eating.

Although celebrities can be considered hermits when it comes to their personal issues and health problems, it is evident that some celebrities have to cope with Parkinson’s disease as well. Some of them have made it public and even worked to bring more awareness regarding Parkinson’s disease and highlighting the importance of researching and studying it.

The following list has several names of famous people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.

Linda Ronstadt (Singer)

One of the most impressive soprano singers in the world, she was the lead singer of the 60’s band called the Stone Poneys. Apparently, back in 1980 a tick bit her twice and her health was never fully recovered after that. However, she postponed her visit to the doctor until she was no longer able to sing.

She never expected it would be Parkinson’s disease. She first thought it was muscular or mechanical. It is impressively difficult singing with Parkinson’s disease, and currently, Linda believes no one would be able to do it. 

The diagnosis was shocking at first but she has now lived many years with Parkinson’s disease, taking medication to reduce the impact of its symptoms.

Janet Reno (Attorney)

Janet Reno was the first woman to ever serve as U.S attorney general. Starting in the year 1993 and finishing in 2001, she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease only 2 years after achieving this position. By the time she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, she was 55 years old. She mentioned that she started to notice her hands shaking and at first, she thought it would go away, but it did not.

Since then, her Parkinson’s condition has advanced but she takes medication in order to keep control of the symptoms. She is still a very respected woman in America.