Healthy Living

Get Healthy for Summer

Get Healthy for Summer

Summer weekends at the beach, backyard barbecues, and outdoor dinners are finally here, but these gatherings are often loaded with high-calorie pasta salads, hot dogs, chips, ice cream, cocktails and beer. Enjoy your warm weather favorites while keeping your nutrition in check as well as getting active with the tips below.

Stay Cool and Hydrated

Most likely you know this already but putting it into practice is what's key of course. Drink water, at least two cups (16 ounces) when you wake up and 2-4 cups (16-32 ounces) additional if you are going out for activities and exercise. Carry water with you in a hard plastic container (more stable polycarbonate rather than polyethylene that leaks plastic into the water). You may also consider using a traveling water filter. Most people need two to three quarts of liquid per day, and more in hot weather or with sweating and exercise.

Include products with a high water content into your diet

Fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables are at their organic best. Consuming foods that are cooling and light such as fresh fruits, vegetable juices, raw vital salads, and lots of water will nourish your body for summertime activities. Include some protein with one or two meals. There are a number of light, nourishing proteins that complement fruits and vegetables nicely - nuts, seeds, sprouted beans, soy products, yogurt, kefir, and cottage cheese. Fish and poultry can also be eaten. Fresh watermelon is always the perfect dessert. 

Go on a healthy picnic

Take some special summer time with your family, kids, and friends and enjoy the outdoors. Be mindful of the beautiful weather and chance to be with your family. It is a good idea to pack fresh fruits and vegetables that are easy to eat. Hiking in the wild, camping, playing at the river, or a few days resting at the ocean are also great activities for the summer. Rekindling your connection to the earth will provide you benefits beyond the summertime. 

Gentle Reminder: Don't forget the bug spray, tick repellent and sun screen. 

Grill lean meats

Grilling is one of the easiest ways to cook, but to keep it light, select lean meats such as chicken and low fat burger meat. Not only are lean meats better for you, but they’re better for your grill, too. Fatty meats drip more and can cause more flare-ups, which will burn the food. Lean meats are lighter, faster and certainly healthier choice for the summer.

Avoid unhealthy snacks

Cravings for unhealthy food happen. There are many factors that lead to these cravings, from a bad day at work, to bad habits, to nutritional deficiencies. These cravings can be hard to overcome. But, with some willpower and few simple tricks, you can do it. To help yourself to avoid unhealthy snacks, try putting vegetables and fruits on the grill. It’s healthy and will definitely satisfy your appetite. 

Summer has finally arrived! It’s time to whip out the BBQs, dig out those bathing suits and jet off for some well-deserved relaxation on the beach. However, for many of us, summer also brings the temptations of ice cream, overdoing the tan and forgetting the summer diet and exercise. Follow the tips mentioned above and have yourself a great, healthy summer!