Healthy Living

How to Avoid the Health Risks of Sleep Apnea

How to avoid these risks

Health and wellness are fundamental aspects of the human existence. Because so many health conditions can be caused by sleep apnea, it is difficult to pin-point exactly what should be done to avoid the health risks of sleep apnea. For instance, weight loss is one of the most effective solutions to avoiding sleep apnea and the health risks that are generated by this sleeping disorder. Research and studies explain that “Since obesity is a major risk factor for sleep apnea, dropping excess pounds is crucial.” Marc Raphaelson, MD, member of the AAN and a sleep specialist in Washington, DC says, “If you already have sleep apnea, losing weight can make the symptoms less severe.”

In some cases, health conditions can be genetic or hereditary and that may include obesity is certain circumstances. The chemicals that enter an individual’s body through the digestive system also play a part in the development of sleep apnea, along with many other health conditions.