Healthy Living

Liver Inflammation Increases Cholesterol in Diabetes Patients

Liver Inflammation Increases Cholesterol in Diabetes Patients
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Liver Inflammation Increases Cholesterol in Diabetes Patients

Yet one more serious health risk has now been linked to diabetes. A team of scientists from Technische Universtat Zentrum Munchen (TUM) and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 1118 from Heidelberg University Hospital conducted a study whose results showed a connection between liver inflammation and high cholesterol in patients who are diabetic. While this newfound information might be sobering, it arms both doctors and patients alike with more knowledge on how to better manage diabetes as well as protect the functions of the major organs. Most importantly, it can give a clearer direction for research on new and more effective treatments.

In a recent study, a connection was found between high cholesterol and inflammation in the liver in those suffering from diabetes. Diabetes is known to have a significant impact on the heart and thus can increase the chances of a stroke. These risks are also known to be due to a rise in cholesterol levels, which can lead to vascular disease. The answer is thought to lie within the connection between the disrupted process of metabolism and the long-term complications that are known to arise due to diabetes. Any kind of negative impact on the health of the liver can lead to severe complications such as liver cancer, liver failure, cirrhosis of the liver, NAFLD, and irregularity in the levels of liver enzymes. Also, there was a connection seen between heart disease, kidney disease, and the improper functioning of the liver. In such cases, an individual should work closely with their doctor and make a plan to protect the liver as well as their glucose and blood sugar levels. All of these should be dealt with at the same time. There are multiple ways to protect oneself against these complications as well as stave off any kind of liver disease. A few such precautionary measures are: try to maintain a balanced and healthy level of sugar; be sure that the cholesterol levels are maintained, mostly the LDL or the triglycerides; try to stay away from alcohol and smoking; stick to a regime of regular exercise along with a healthy diet; lose weight, if needed; and make sure to always maintain a healthy weight, taking all appropriate measures to ensure that one’s blood pressure levels are properly maintained.

As previously mentioned, there is a noticeable connection seen between issues with the liver and arising trouble for diabetic patients. It appears that either of them can worsen the other. It is thought that if one of the problems worsens, it would be a difficult challenge to get the other treated since there would be issues of drug interactions or possible effects on the body’s metabolism. So, prevention is always the most desirable route when dealing with conditions pertaining to the liver and diabetes. There have been multiple methods known to be effective in dealing with the management of both the conditions, but they require cooperation from the patient, who would need to make certain changes in their diet as well as a few of the other practices they carry out. The individual should avoid alcohol since it has high carbs and calories, neither of which is good for a diabetic patient. Instead, they should try to lower their caloric count or go on a low-glycemic diet, which is healthy for diabetics and for the body overall.