Lymphoma: Organizations and Events That Make a Difference
Lymphoma: Organizations and Events That Make a Difference
Without organizations that advocate and raise money for lymphoma treatment research, there wouldn't be nearly as many treatment options available as there are now. Many cancers that were once considered fatal have a substantial decrease in mortality rate thanks to nonprofit funding of research. Along with research and funding, there are many events that are held to honor lymphoma patients and their families and bring hope to newly diagnosed and relapsing patients.
Aside from all of the existing programs, many large nonprofits welcome citizens to create fundraising events on behalf of them, like 5Ks, walks, art fairs, car shows, etc. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is one of the leading organizations that fund research, treatment, and awareness of leukemia and lymphoma, and holds regular events.
It has been said that without the proper organizations who are known to advocate as well as raise money for carrying out the research in terms of treating lymphoma, there would not have been enough of the treatment options available as there are now. There are many of the nonprofit organizations or NGO’s who often welcome people for raising funds by carrying out various events such as cars shows, walks, marathon, fairs and many other events.
- One of the leading organizations which is known to work in this field of research, awareness and treatment of lymphoma as well as leukemia is The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. They are known to often hold regular shows or events for raising funds and at the same time give more awareness of these disease. LLS also present an award show called as the “Girl and Boy of the Year”. This award is given to children who have known to fight the disease leukemia and lymphoma. They also run a campaign by the name of Cure-a-thon. This is done to beat the previous year’s number of people who have survived and fought cancer.
- The Extra Life Foundation is also known to be a program which aims at helping those kids who suffer from cancer and any other forms of illness. The organization also carries out research programs and funds those programs. It was started in the year 2008.
- Light the Night Walk is also one of the campaign which is mostly aimed towards motivating the victims of leukemia or lymphoma. It salutes the survivors of these disease. The Light the Night is said to hosts around 150 walks in various parts of Canada and United States. They are almost free to register but there is always an encouragement to carry to raise funds.
- Love to Fund a Cure also helps in funding research. They mostly hold dinner shows which consists of nominations, awards, stories, speakers and presentations. These are mostly carried out in honor of the victims of lymphoma who have been diagnosed recently and also those who survived this disease.
- There is another registry named as “Be-The-Match Registry. It is aimed at those individuals who are willing to donate their bone marrow for the victims of leukemia or lymphoma. Those who are the sufferers or patients would get themselves registered or through their doctor, who would then look out for a possible match.
Due to the constant help from various organizations who work towards the funding of the research and creating awareness in these regards, there has been a change or a revolution in the medical industry and has saved many of the people’s lives. Without the help and support of these organizations all of the treatments and research would not have been possible. There are various statistics to prove the same as well. Year on year as the research is increasing and more awareness is being spread across there has been increase in the survival rate as well.