Healthy Living

Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Toolbox

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Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Toolbox

Photo credit: Little Something Gifts (Amazon)

Multiple sclerosis is an extremely difficult disease to cope with, but the MS Society of Canada is making every effort to make it easier for people. They have recently come up with an "MS Wellness Toolbox" in order to give helpful strategies to those living with multiple sclerosis. 

MS society of Canada is dedicated to finding cure for multiple sclerosis and it does this by funding research. They are affiliated with the MS Scientific Research Foundation.  To improve the quality of life in patients with multiple sclerosis, it offers them programs and services; they also help the patients and families. In the world the highest rate of multiple sclerosis is highest in Canada. Treatment options for MS vary since the disease is individualized. The MS society of Canada has come up with tips and tricks through the MS wellness toolbox that can be lifesavers.

As advances are being made in newer research, many are moving away from traditional treatments. In 2015 a study was created by the MS Society. In regards to nutrition, health, emotional and physical exercise it analyzed the practices, needs and gaps. Due to this study was launched Hermes Canada MS Society Wellness Research Innovation Grant. It listens to what people with MS need, and creates a ground breaking solution.

MS wellness toolbox

The patient can have access to their own care through the MS toolbox. It can help them to make choices at the same time promote the wellness of the patient. No drugs or therapies earlier could impact the disease. However it is now there in our age and day. Even though this breakthrough is a positive one but to navigate it can be extremely difficult.

Through the following steps the MS wellness toolbox promotes and guides since for those with MS management and wellness is very important.

  • Exercise- for people with or without multiple sclerosis, exercise is crucial. However when you are dealing with a difficult disease, it might be hard to get around.  Hence in the necessities of those living with MS, Pilates and yoga is proving to be beneficial.
  • Feed your health- for those living with MS, nutrition is very important.  The diet should keep you healthy as well as you should look forward to eating. To find the best solutions work with your doctor.
  • Look beyond the traditional- there have been many traditional treatments practices since ages but do not rely on them. In your journey of MS be adventurous and in wellness activities invest your time and try new therapies.
  • Share- when you converse with other people suffering from MS, it can be a very uplifting experience. Your story about MS you can share with them. There have been many such sources such as therapy sessions, blogging, support groups and talking with friends that have found to be of immense help.
  • Cut yourself some clack- for people with MS not every day is great hence go easy on yourself. Take one day off for yourself and carry on with the activities the nest day. First to yourself be kind and when you need it, reach out for help.

The impact of MS toolbox is elaborated by Dr Evans. She shares that in most communities across Canada, services are available and the person need not face MS alone. It is okay to make a small difference by getting involved. A study found that the emotional wellbeing of the participants improved just by a simple act of getting out and being a part of something. Finding our own wellness path is up to us. MS patients can always get help from MS navigators.