Muscular Dystrophy: Correcting Foot Deformities with Surgery

Research and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder Outlook
How Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder Could Affect Some Individuals
Affecting those mostly between the ages of 18 to 60 according to The Mayo Clinic, this hereditary group of disorders can affect numerous stages of life. Although some therapies could be of assistance and medications can reduce pain, this is a condition that currently has no cure. This sub-type of muscular dystrophy could require patients to undergo surgeries to assist in correcting foot deformities.
Recent studies have shown that numerous surgeons may differ on the ways to assist in straightening these foot deformities. When other options are no longer viable or working for a patient with foot issues related to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, surgery is an option that is heavily considered. This is recommended by many doctors after other options have failed to produce proper results. This could involve various procedures throughout a patients lifetime.
Individuals were examined via physical records by the researchers at the Inherited Neuropathy Consortium, which is a network based at the University of Iowa. With this information, they were able to conduct clinical research focusing on a variety of factors. Included in this information were details on foot deformities, diagnosis types, orthotic aids, details of foot surgeries, and evidence. Looking through these details allowed researchers to discover that nearly 1,914 out of 2,706 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorders patients had foot deformities. This is around 71 percent of individuals studied by the researchers.
Correcting Issues And Foot Deformities
While nearly thirty percent of these individuals decided to undergo surgery to correct these problems, around twenty-five to forty-one percent of those with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disorder, also known as CMT, decided to use ankle foot orthoses. Those with other related neuropathies also used the aforementioned items and options. Taking matters into consideration, finding better guidelines and methods for foot surgery should be a key focus for researchers looking for surgery and patient information.
Unrelated to the study, numerous patients report a better sense of satisfaction after surgery, whereas some patients considered surgery too invasive for their lifestyle. Aside from surgery, there are other methods for those with CMT. Stretching, regular exercise, orthopedic devices, occupational therapy, physical therapy, diet changes, and support groups could help those with CMT and related diseases that affect day-to-day life and activities.
Helpful Treatments and Options
A difficulty performing basics tasks could lead many of those with CMT to seek out surgery when all other options have failed. Even after surgery, however, it is still important to remain aware of healthier diet options and exercise regularly in methods that are approved by a healthcare professional.
Food Options and Healthier Eating For Those With CMT
Even after surgery to help correct issues related to CMT and other disorders, keeping up a diet with foods that help minimize the effects of this serious disease matters greatly. Although no food will cure or eliminate issues, certain foods have been shown to assist numerous patients. Fish is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals for those with CMT. Not only is fish and other seafood rich in nutrients and provides a variety of options, including fish can add additional strength and help build up the natural immune system of the body.
Dairy is another great source of calcium and strength for the body. If an individual is lactose intolerant or allergic to milk products, other options may be available. Milk has long been known to help offer up a rich source of Vitamin D and calcium, which has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis and overall bone health. Although milk does not prevent bone fractures, milk products are still considered helpful for bone development and overall health.
One cup of whole milk equals 146 calories, providing 8 grams of protein. Perhaps an interesting interaction between milk and overall health is related to the source of choline, a nutrient found in milk. This can help individuals sleep better and helps with the transmission of nerve impulses. It has even been shown to assist in lessening chronic inflammation. For those with kidneys who are not fully structural, discussing the consumption of milk and other high potassium foods with a doctor is highly recommended.
For those who have undergone foot corrective surgery, lean proteins, dairy, fiber, different types of fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, and whole-grains are suggested. Keeping up energy after an event can take special care that a doctor can assist with for individuals after their corrective surgery. Avoiding sugary and high process foods is suggested by most health professionals. These slow down the healing process and offer little to no nutritional value.
Foot Care and Remedies
Improving Foot Care Overall
Continued support and other various types of options are plentiful. Even after surgery or a brace, keeping up with foot care is a must for those with CMT. Daily stretching that is recommended by a doctor or therapy professional is still important even after corrective foot surgery. This can help individuals with CMT disease have better strength and a wider range of motions for joints and overall health. In fact, regular stretches may even assist in reducing joint deformities. Exercising can be just as important as stretching, keeping muscles and bones strong.
Even low-impact exercises can assist in muscle and joint health. Since balance and condition management are important parts of CMT healthcare, improving stability with exercises can reduce the risk of falling and lessen muscle deterioration in some. Looking for low-impact exercises such as light walking and swimming, could be less stressful on muscles and joints. Although an often overlooked area by some, inspecting feet and keeping up with maintenance aside from joint care is important. Nail health is important for those with CMT disease.
If assistance is needed in doing so, a podiatrist can assist in trimming toenails for those with circulation issues, sensation problems, damages to nerves in the feet, and overall foot issues. Avoiding nail bed edges and cutting straight across is the proper way to take care of nails when trimming. Keeping up on ingrown toenails and cutting toenails regularly is part of a healthier foot maintenance routine. In addition, keeping up with injuries, skin changes, callouses, and differences in appearance to the feet could result in earlier detection for certain issues related to CMT.
Local Support
Support from local communities and groups for those with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease remains a suggested piece of advice from many doctors around the globe. With the current usage of technology and public groups, individuals can relate to one another more than ever when facing the daily struggles of CMT. Seeking out online communities is an excellent way for these individuals to find a source of comfort and solace. Basic care and support after surgery is important in after-care and self-healing.
When facing the option of surgery to correct foot deformities, having support and accurate research makes all the difference. Many changes can follow after a corrective surgery. Proper access to follow-up information remains vital in the healing process. Researchers are continuing to make strides in the area of foot corrective surgery and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. With a healthier lifestyle and options for those with this heredity and lifelong disease, keeping up with the latest information is essential for a better lifestyle.