Healthy Living

The Connection Between Fibromyalgia and Unresolved Emotional Issues

A not-so-accidental factor

A combination of genetic predisposition and trauma to the head and neck, like injuries sustained in an accident, might initiate the onset the fibromyalgia, according to Kim Jones, an associate professor of the Oregon Health and Science University. More researchers are looking into the connection between injuries to the head and neck and the development of fibromyalgia. Specifically, such an injury would be similar to “whiplash” where the head snaps back after the body is jerked forward. Cory Kingston, DC, a chiropractor asserts that the neck does not return to its original position after such an event but rather, remains locked in a forward position which makes the situation worse. However, most of these patients already have a family history of chronic illness, which again, this shows that genetics might also play a major role.