The Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
The Invisible Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Commonly referred to as a mysterious or invisible illness, fibromyalgia affects millions of people by subjecting them to a myriad of symptoms. Fibromyalgia is, in fact, can affect each and every one of its victims in a different way, and it can also be connected, and similar, to many other diseases and disorders. This makes it very difficult for patients to be diagnosed and even more difficult to maintain with treatment.
Fibromyalgia, or commonly referred to as fibro, is considered to be one of the most common diseases in the US. More than 5 million people suffer from it in the US alone, and those are only the diagnosed cases. Many people suffer for years without knowing why they are having to deal with a number of health issues.
Fibro causes a number of symptoms. All alone, those symptoms might not raise any alarm bells, however, when paired with other symptoms, they become a clear indication that fibromyalgia may be the cause. These are the symptoms that should never be ignored by the sufferer, their loved ones, and their doctors.
Insomnia, chronic fatigue, restless sleep - these are all things that can lead to the bone crushing exhaustion that many fibro sufferers deal with. Fibro can result in any of the symptoms listed, and while there is no way to ‘fix’ any of them, there are a number of steps that someone with fibro can take to improve the quality of their sleep and hopefully help to increase their energy. This can include ensuring proper sleep hygiene, avoiding caffeine before bedtime and creating a bedtime routine.
Fibro is one of those odd disorders that can silently wreak havoc on a person’s body, usually for no rhyme or reason. The stiffness and spasms in the muscles that many fibro patients suffer from will often lead to unexplained numbness in many parts of the body. At times, the numbness may come and go and can be pretty mild, which is why this is one of those symptoms that often go unnoticed for a long period of time.
If there is unexplained numbness, whether chronic or persistent, it is a good indicator that something more might be afoot, and should be discussed with a medical professional.
Since cramps are caused by a number of things including upset tummies, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and for women, periods, they are often overlooked when it comes to fibromyalgia. While on their own, cramps are more of a nuisance than anything else, but if cramps are paired with other symptoms, particularly those listed in this article it can be a clear indication of fibro. No one knows why cramps are a common complaint for those with fibro, but it may be related to the digestive issues that are often a result of the disorder.