Why Too Much Porn Can Cause Erectile Dysfunction. Read Before You Click.
Porn's relationship to sexual arousal
Erectile dysfunction (ED) has suddenly been more prevalent in men under 40 whereas ED was most often found with men in their late 50’s and early 60’s.
Studies have clearly shown a connection between porn and ED. In the most recent study, researchers have identified "porn-induced erectile dysfunction" and porn-induced low libido. High exposure to watching porn (excludes reading) can often result in lower responsiveness in a man's sexual arousal and a need for more hardcare video for him to become sexually responsive with his partner.
The bottom line: Too much of a good thing, becomes problematic in most cases. Porn overload can cause some men to no longer have the same sexual response with their partner prior to the time before the partner got heavily into watching it. Watching porn with the partner may help stimulate things but if that is the only way the man can get aroused, the other partner will find it difficult to accept and understand.
Addictive use of porn creates a habit for sexual expression that is built on stimulation through images or other visual stimulation. In the beginning of porn addiction, the visual stimulation may just feel fun and exciting. After all, sexual expression includes a variety of different factors and visual attraction often plays a key role. However, when porn becomes addictive that visual stimulation is no longer just fun and exciting; instead the visual stimulation becomes a necessary part of sexual expression.