10 Important Facts About the Bedroom, Cuddling, and Sleeping Next to Your Partner
10 Important Facts About the Bedroom, Cuddling, and Sleeping Next to Your Partner
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of health, and is often an issue for thousands who struggle with sleep deprivation each year. But research has also found that the state of the bedroom and even cuddling habits could affect health.
For healthy sleep either alone or with a partner:
- Clean your bedroom daily
- Change the sheets every week
- Ensure proper ventilation in your bedroom, and keep it dark and cool
- Use only bedding and mattresses that make you feel comfortable
Without proper sleep, your body simply cannot function at its fullest. Even if you make healthy eating and drinking choices, bad sleep habits will wreak havoc on your body. Bad sleep habits include snoring, sleep apnea, sleeping too little, sleeping too much, and sleeping at odd hours.
It's important to get rid of both physical and mental clutter. Get rid of any clutter in the bedroom. Remove stacks of clothes or papers, and clean up any other area if required. Make sure that your bedroom looks neat and tidy and is like a sleeping heaven, rather than a place where objects are built up or scattered all over the place. Your mind may be always alert due to these things around you, so, before you try to sleep, make sure to clean your bedroom.
Read on for 10 important facts about sleep.