Healthy Living

Taking Control of Blood Sugar Levels with Diabetes

Taking Control of Blood Sugar Levels with Diabetes
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Taking Control of Blood Sugar Levels with Diabetes

Hearing a doctor say “diabetes” is a nightmare for anyone, but for 29 million people in America, this bad dream has become a reality. While a diabetes diagnosis may be frustrating, there are many things people living with the disease can do to help them gain more control over their condition: making smart decisions about food, maintaining an exercise regiment, and being diligent about taking prescribed medicine all help to keep blood sugar at a healthy level.

While most people with diabetes are well aware of the general ways they can be healthy, there are some specific life hacks that are extremely helpful for patients with this condition.

For anyone who suffers from diabetes, the disease can often seem like a nightmare. But this nightmare can be controlled and kept from worsening. Smart food choices, a proper exercise regimen, and taking medicines on time are a few ways to ensure that one’s blood sugar level is well maintained. While most people with diabetes are well aware of the general methods to stay healthy, one should also be aware of the following simple life hacks that can be extremely helpful for diabetic patients:

  • Be sure meals are consistent at all times: It is quite common to skip meals due to work overload or being busy with something during lunch time, for example. But we all know skipping a meal is not good for one’s health, and this is especially true for those who have diabetes. Based on the glucose lowering medicines being taken, the individual could suffer from hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. When an individual foregoes a meal for several hours, the body is forced to get its energy from glucose, which is produced by the liver. In the case of a diabetic patient, the liver would be unable to recognize that the blood has plenty of glucose, so it starts to exude glucose into the body. The only way to stop this is by consuming some carbs so that the meal would inform the liver to stop the release of glucose.
  • Make sure the meals are balanced: Diabetes is not about tasteless, bland food, but rather, about balancing one’s meals instead of depriving the body of certain essential nutrients. Carbs are known to be a general enemy for many people, so it is quite common for a diabetic patient to chart out their diet plan while considering low amounts of carbohydrates. But again, this is not the healthy route, since depriving the body of carbs means removing important minerals, fiber, and vitamins necessary for proper bodily function.
  • Have an emergency kit handy: It is not always possible to snack on non-diabetic food items since not all places have such options. Because of this, diabetic patients are advised to maintain diabetic-friendly snacks in their car or bag. When you have such snacks handy, you won’t be as tempted to consume something that is not good for your health. The internet has a lot of answers and opinions concerning diabetes, but not everything out there is true or applies to your case, so it is best to consult a doctor who has a better knowledge of your medical history.
  • Hydrate oneself: Be sure to drink adequate amounts of water throughout the day, as this is important for the body’s overall health. Your body should get the daily recommended amount of water. To achieve this, you can keep a bottle with the proper measurement handy and drink from it several times a day.

Other tips include getting ample amounts of rest so that the body is energized for the day, and as well as carrying out light exercises or yoga. Any exercise is better than not exercising at all.