Healthy Living

Celebrities Who Live with the Challenges of Autism Every Day

celebrities live with challenges of autism

Celebrities Who Live with the Challenges of Autism Every Day

People spend a lot of time glorifying celebrities. They are read about in grocery checkout lines, idolized in movies, and cheered for in sports games.

One thing that flies under the radar about some of the most beloved superstars are their illnesses and conditions. In earlier Hollywood times, John Wayne was one of the first people to open up about having cancer, which was considered to be a private matter at the time.

While autism was not diagnosable until 1944, and some celebrities with autism have been diagnosed after the fact or in late stages of their lives, the correlation is still valuable.

Here are some of the most famous celebrities who have had autism and accomplished monumental feats.

1. Andy Warhol

He is one of the most famous artists. He coined the term “fifteen minutes of fame” and was known for his boundary breaking art. He lived as a producer, director. He included sculpture, painting, photography, film and silk-screening in his famous art. According to the director of Eliot House, Judith Gould has implied that through his work, actually symptoms of autism are denoted.

2. Tim Burton

He is a renowned American writer, director, animator and artists. His Asperger’s syndrome was actually pointed out by his wife Helena Bonham Carter.  She stated that she realized that all that she loved about her husband was actually the symptoms. He realized that he was experiencing the signs of autism when he watched a movie based on it. His wife said that he has amazing sense of imagination and sense of human and he sees things that others do not. He is a fantastic father even though he may not hear you when he is working.

3. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In history he is one of the most famous musicians.  He has been diagnosed with autism. People close to him stated that he could not stay still and would often repeat his facial expressions. These symptoms are recognized as autism spectrum disorder.  By looking at the letters between him and his family, researchers were able to analyze his behaviour. According to the argument of him having autism, was supported by the mannerisms he displayed. He would do certain behaviour such as throwing chairs, over tables he would jump, when he got bored he would meow.

4. Daryl Hannah

She has risen to stardom due to her acting. Also the entire time she lives with Asperger’s syndrome. She claims that almost her entire career was ruined in Hollywood though her talent is undeniable. She also stated that she felt very awkward and uncomfortable to go on talk shows, premiers that eventually she was blacklisted.  Despite all this to those on the spectrum she brings awareness to them.

5. James Durbin

On the season 10 of American idol he used his platform to bring awareness on Asperger’s syndrome and Tourette ’s syndrome. He is suffering from both the conditions. However he even gave a positive speech on how despite all this you can still achieve your dreams.  At the end of the show he also created his own album. This was successful thoroughly. To many going through such conditions he has acted as a hero because of his openness and ability to spread awareness.

6. Dan Harmon

Many have seen the lovable character Abed in the show Community.  Through this Dan captured hearts of many people across the country. Through his character he showed certain tendencies that Abed demonstrated that were associated with the spectrum disorder. Dan did a lot of preliminary research since he wanted to show a character with Asperger’s on his show. As he read more about it this research turned into a self discovery and that is how he diagnosed himself. Then he investigated more about these symptoms and he could actually relate to them. Then he even took internet tests. Since he was able to make such an interesting and relatable character and due to his self discovery, his story is very inspirational.