Healthy Living

Celebrities Who Live with the Challenges of Autism Every Day

Tim Burton

Photo credit: Tim Burton by Gage Skidmore

Again, a man who wears many hats, Tim Burton is a renowned American director, writer, animator, and artist. Although a bit of an unconventional diagnoses, his ex-wife Helena Bonham Carter was the one to point out his Asperger's syndrome. She had explained that she realized when thinking of all the things she loved about her husband, that almost all were symptoms of the syndrome. She explained, "we were watching a documentary about autism and he said that's how he felt as a child. Autistic people have application and dedication. You can say something to Tim when he's working and he doesn't hear you. But that quality also makes him a fantastic father, he has an amazing sense of human and imagination. He sees things other people don't see."