Lupus Survival Rates Plateau Over Last 9 Years
What is Lupus?
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can affect any part of the body. In essence, Lupus can shut down the immune system so the body is unable to create “antibodies” to help fight off viruses, bacteria, and germs. Instead of continuously making new, healthy cells, the body attacks them. Think about this: Mosquitos are a nuisance in the summer. Half of the time they go unseen, but they are still flying around waiting to attack the next person they land on. As humans, natural instincts kick in when trying to protect oneself. A bite from a mosquito occurs, thus leading to a slap on the arm for relief. Imagine not being able to swat away the mosquito. Imagine having to watch mosquitos land on a friend who can’t swat them away for protection. This feeling is similar to the helpless feeling of having Lupus; being attacked with little ways to stop it.
Who does lupus mainly affect?
Lupus can be commonly found in people ages 15-44 with majority of those being mostly women of color. However, more cases are being discovered in younger children, men, and teenagers.