The brain: 75% water and 60% fat

Let's face it: There are good fats and then there are bad fats. So, our brains need, not only water, but also the healthy fats that we get from oil, avocados, nuts, and fish. In fact, healthy fats can promote blood flow to the brain and also aid in functioning. Saturated fat, DHA (omega-3 fatty acid), and polyunsaturated fat have all shown to improve not only brain function, but certain conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and even dementia.

Only get 2 hours of sleep? Your life expectancy might have just lowered

Doctors recommend getting 7 hours of sleep, and there's a reason for this. Sleep deprivation has been found to actually lower your life expectancy, especially if you get less than 5 hours sleep. In fact, a British study known as the "Whitehall II Study" found that less than 5 hours of sleep can double the risk of cardiovascular diseases, a number one cause of death in the US.

Your feet have 25% of all the bones in the body

At birth we have 270 bones in our body. As we grow, this number lowers down to 206 bones because they would fuse together. But, just in our feet alone, we have 52 bones. According to Thought Catalog, our feet also have 33 joints, 100 ligaments, and a total of 19 muscles.

The higher the IQ, the more you dream

It's been proven that we dream no matter what, even if you don't remember that exact dream in the morning. But, if you remember more of your dreams several times in the week, it could be because you have a higher IQ. With a higher IQ, you are able to process more information and you have a few more thoughts than others.