Healthy Living

Is Frankincense Oil a Reliable Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment?

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Is Frankincense Oil a Reliable Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment?

Researchers at Cardiff University believe that frankincense could be of great help for people with rheumatoid arthritis. The scientists have been studying the age-old herbal remedy for any possible benefits in alleviating the symptoms of RA.

The team of researchers identified that frankincense oil can be a significant source of relief for people suffering from RA. Studies have been conducted on this centuries-old herbal remedy to determine any possible benefits in reducing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The Somali community, which resides in the southwest region of England, has been using frankincense extract as a traditional method of medicine for the treatment of arthritis. This remedy has been used for a very long time, and the researchers wanted to know if it really did show any positive effects on those suffering from arthritis. The study focused on whether the extract helped to reduce the inflammation and pain that are normally associated with RA. The main goal of the scientists who have been studying this was to find alternative methods to lessen the condition’s symptoms, such as inflammation. This study has pointed the way towards managing the symptoms through the use of chemical extraction to determine which of the active ingredients present in frankincense can do the trick. Gradually, the researchers were able to discover the special ingredient and are now in the process of comparing this chemical entity against other forms of successful anti-inflammatory medications commonly used to treat RA. Apart from the medical care provided by the doctor as well as the frankincense salve, there are also numerous other natural remedies that can help to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in an effective manner. But anyone who wants to try these natural remedies should first consult with their doctor to avoid any kind of negative interaction. The application of hot as well as cold treatments has also been shown to reduce the pain and swelling caused by RA. The heat application technique helps by relaxing the muscles, thereby encouraging good blood flow. Use heating pads or a hot towel that has been steamed properly. Application of cold treatments can help to reduce the swelling in the joints and the inflammation due to RA as well.

Another therapy, known as the magnet technique, has also been receiving attention of late as a possible treatment for RA symptoms. These magnets can be purchased in the form of inserts, pads, disks, or bracelets and are available in most drug stores. But there have been no confirmed studies as of yet to determine whether this therapy is actually helpful for RA patients. An individual can carry out certain exercises as well for the betterment of their body and mind. You can practice deep breathing exercises or take up tai chi, which is a slow and gentle martial art that is low in intensity. Try muscle relaxation techniques as well, starting with the face and then moving downward, releasing each muscle gradually. Supplements such as fish oil and thunder god vine can also be used to help reduce arthritis symptoms.