Healthy Living

Parkinson's: Ways to Cope with Walking, Balancing, and Falling

What are the treatment options to delay symptoms?

There is no cure currently for Parkinson’s disease. However, there are options to treat the symptoms and give the sufferer a good quality of life. Manage your symptoms with:

  • Medications like Carbidopa/Levodopa used with other types of medications including dopamine agonists, MAO and COMT inhibitors, and Anticholinergic agents. may help. However, just like the disease, treatment is highly individualized and experimental. Have patience with the family member suffering from Parkinson’s. They did not ask for this disease and they are aware that their body is not working right. Give them support as their physician tries different medications.
  • Deep Brain Stimulation or surgery (DBS) means having an electrode implanted into target areas of the brain. Electrode stimulates via a pacemaker-like device located under the skin in the chest.