Healthy Living

Possible Connection Between Potassium Deficiency and Fibromyalgia

Possible Connection Between Potassium Deficiency and Fibromyalgia
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Possible Connection Between Potassium Deficiency and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is known for its debilitating effect on the body. Although studies are being conducted for further understanding, the treatment methods of fibromyalgia are still very limited. As of today, treatment plans have an inconclusive effect on the body because of the lack of information. Since fibromyalgia is an illness that affects the muscles and joints, a diet rich in nutrients should be followed to possibly ease some of the symptoms. Potassium is just one of these nutrients that professionals recommend to ease muscle and joint pain, which is especially good for fibromyalgia patients. So, is there a possible connection between the two?

Although the link has not been mentioned by any particular studies, especially for people diagnosed with fibromyalgia, potassium is one of the essential nutrient since it is one of the main nutrients our cells use, which makes it essential to have. The muscle function is hampered when the potassium levels are not ideal.

One of the ongoing studies try to show the link between potassium and fibromyalgia. While there is no scientific evidence that potassium helps to ease pain in the joints and muscles, people with this condition are still encouraged to include foods rich in potassium in their diet. Also since caffeine can cause potassium to deplete, its intake should be at a minimum. Sever fatigue is one of the most common signs of fibromyalgia, and this is the same symptom experienced by those with a potassium deficiency. Hence as a part of their treatment, some fibromyalgia patients are advised to take potassium supplements.

Since the chronic pain can disrupt the lifestyle of the person, life can become uncomfortable after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The affected person becomes exhausted, irritated and achy. But the stress can be eliminated through a variety of ways:

  • Exercising daily
  • Explore different types of therapy
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Get enough sleep
  • Take supplements and herbs

There are many ways through which the pain brought by the disease can be reduced. But, you also need to have support. It is hard to have an invisible illness, especially since most people do not even realize that the symptoms are there since they aren't physically present. If you have loved ones or friends who tell you what you are feeling isn't real, there are a number of support groups available, in your local community and online that will listen to your concerns and thoughts.