Healthy Living

Tips for Interacting and Communicating with Alzheimer's Patients

Ensuring support and being understanding

Build a support network

Allow them a chance to socialize and try to build a support network for them. There may be adult day cares in the area or group therapy that is designed around other adults with similar issues. A support network is a great chance for them to get out of the house and around other people and may give their caretakers a chance to build a support network as well.

Educate visitors

Give visitors a little heads up on what to expect. Educate them a little on what Alzheimer’s is and how it affects people. Take the education a step further and explain exactly where the patient is as far as symptoms and progression. Let visitors know that some days may be better than others and that the person may or may not remember their names. 

Be understanding

Even if you have taken all of the previous steps and tried to make sure that a visit would go well, your person may just not be up to socializing. If they seem agitated or specifically express their concerns, you may have to simply cancel the visit and reschedule for a different time.