Breakthrough Treatments for Neurolymphomatosis
How is it treated?
As previously mentioned, though NL is most commonly seen in conjunction with aggressive forms of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, it’s possible to develop the condition with any type of lymphoma. This study, published in the open access journal Clinical Case Reports in 2016 details a case in which a female patient acquired NL as a result of her follicular lymphoma. Follicular lymphoma is a specific type of NHL, but is unique in terms of NL development because it is an indolent form of NHL rather than aggressive. The patient in this case had been diagnosed with follicular lymphoma at age 30, younger than the average age at lymphoma diagnosis. She entered remission after eight rounds of chemotherapy treatment, but then continued to experience multiple relapses. NL was suspected due to nerve pain and diagnosed (though with some degree of suspicion) when a lesion was discovered from an MRI.